I've made this account just now to clarify about the PSU!
I have GTX460m and bought HD6990M 2 years ago. I didn't use it because after upgrading, it turns my laptop off when launching a game or playing a video on youtube.
So now when I tried entering BIOS with HD6990m it shut down, after turning it on there's a message says that's not the recommended 150W.
Should I buy a better adapter than 150W or do I have a problem with configurations?
Your help is appreciated.
Thank you!
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
You waited two years to ask lol!
The 6990M works well with the M15x I owned one before the 7970M 2 years ago! The stock 150W should work no problem. Are you using the stock 150W PSU? Can you make a photo and show us? -
Should I get another power adapter? I would like to know if it will be the solution.
My M15x did exactly that too. It was the power adaptor, that couldnt keep up. You have several options to fix that.
I extracted the bios from the 6990m and voltmodded it down to 1.0v at 3D clocks. At the same time i adjusted max 3d frequency to 715MHz core and 950MHz ram. This fixed it and at the same time lowered temperatures.
Later on, I bought a 330w power supply that keeps up with power demand - that also fixes it and makes it able to run at higher clocks. -
Thank you for reply,
Which power adapter did you buy? Does it charge the battery? Can you give me the model please? -
Currently running without a battery, so its hard to say. Just search "dell 330w" on ebay
i've had that message a couple of time usually a coin battery removal and power drain fixed it, plus that error message can be disabled too. the 150w psu should be able to run games and should be no problem with youtube(unless its a faulty psu even with the 460m). perhaps your 6990m was flashed with an overclock that the m15x can't power, by the previous owner. Or perhaps you card is running very hot that it shuts down while clocking up. did you use the guide in this forum that helps you install the 6990m gpu? my 6990m ran like a champ with the 150w psu i only used the 240w while benching, until it burned while running cad.....
If you have a Clevo 6990m - i can attach my 1.0v bios? Otherwise, extract and attach yours, and ill look at it
I'm sorry to hear about your 6990m.
I 've followed the guide before but not applying all steps.
The shut downs were weird before and it's not possible to shut down after 20 secs booting into BIOS due to overheat right?
The error showed after that so it's gotta be the power adapter.
My 6990m was new and not used.
I'll buy a new power adapter but do you recommend the 210W, 240W or 330W?
I've also read that M15x doesn't accept more than 150W, is that true? -
I'm not sure about my 6990m.. = (
i have seen my m15x use up to 183w
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
210W or 230W are completely unlimited in terms of they will give power until they give out but cannot charge the battery. The 150W,210W and 330W charge the battery. The 330W is limited to 240W though.
I would recommend the 230W from a dell m1730. It is as chunky as the 330W the 210W likewise (I have both 210 and 330W). Use the 150W to charge battery and the 230W to game.
I think the 240W is also electronically limited. You are more likely to get more out of the 210/230W adaptors.
When my 210W gives out I will either mod the 330W to deliver more power or get a 230W adaptor. -
Thank you for your clarification, I'll go with 230W then = ]
I'll let you know how things will go! -
Alright, I've sent you a PM, thank you.
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
With the pin pulled your GPU will never throttle in game. So long as your cooling keeps up it will game like a champ.
I haven't tried this PSU yet but I am 99.9% sure it will work like the 210W of the same generation that I and many others have got. Please report back how it works out.
Another thing. I used to use ATI Tray Tool to undervolt my 6990M. It is software so you don't have to flash the bios. Simply load the program and undervolt to 1.0V when you want to game. Easy peasy. My cooling at stock with stock clocks and 1V my 6990M could play BF3 with almost max settings. I only really had ambient occlusion settings turned down at bit and dx11 off I think. It ran well with temps hitting max 85C.MZWiZard likes this. -
If you purchase the L shaped adapter from amazon you can pull the pin from the adapter and not have to worry about opening up your 330w. I currently use the data pin pulled adapter and a 330w and my system runs like a champ.
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Let us know how this goes! Which mod is this. There are several. Is this the PSU id mod? The 330W PSU seems to pull the line low giving only 240W when a M18x is NOT detected. Simply unsoldering the center wire wouldn't make a difference. The pin mod doesn't work with this adaptor as a result.
My M15x shut down because of HD6990M, reason?
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by eviLucifer, Jul 3, 2014.