So basically I bought a 7970m from laptopmonkey off eBay. Installed it with the correct X bracket and everything, all looked good. My laptop failed to post and I got blinking caps/scroll lock which suggests it was faulty. I sent it back to laptopmonkey for testing and apparently it is in full working condition? Can anyone give me any insight as to why it wouldn't work in my m15x? I believe it was a Dell card too.
Thanks in advance.
Does your computer boot up fine with your previous card?
Yup, I'm typing on it now. Everything is fine with my old 5850m
That's weird. Mine worked fine. Did you do a power drain before and after installing the 7970m? That could have helped. Also you need to make sure it wasn't being short-circuiting anywhere. (No contact with the heatsink of the solder points etc.) -
I did the power drain yeah, and I reseated and repasted 2 or 3 times checking there were no short circuits or anything. Either I'm being lied to by the company or I have the first ever m15x that doesn't support the 7970m.. Totally stumped. I opted for a refund as apposed to them sending the card back (no exchange allowed apparently because they found it to be in working condition) so I'll probably just wait and put the money towards a new system at the end of this year. Thanks for your help
If its of some comfort, my card behaved somewhat like that - bought the same place. I have just shipped it back, now awaiting what to do....
If it's from ebay you have the ebay buyer's protection. Don't see why they didn't work though.
That is of some comfort yeah thanks
Pretty suspicious if you ask me, happening to two people from the same place.. Oh well, I'm just happy I got my money back so I can put it towards a new system at the end of the year.
My 7970m
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Tenspeed33, Jan 12, 2013.