So whenever I'm working on my lappy, I'm currently doing a Flash animation, rotoscoping infact. Anywho, I've got an external monitor setup via the VGA port, I tend to watch movies while I work late at night...
I've come to notice lately that the frame rate of digital video files, no matter what the format it seems to drop frames.
Not sure why.
When I drag the clip across to the native screen of the M15X it's fine... But when I put it back on the external monitor the frames drop again.
Now it doesn't do it consistently, but just at random.
Anyone have any idea's as to why this is occurring?
There aren't any updated drivers for my ATI (AMD) 5850 graphics card... So I have no idea...
Cheers all.
Are both monitors set to the same refresh rate or different rate? Is Aero enabled or disabled?
Aero is enabled.
Also, just noticed that it only happens when I have the movie playing on my external in full screen... if I have it minimized, it's fine...
I think both refresh rates are 60hertz...
Movie file frame drop on external monitor - ATI 5850
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by T-ravisty, Apr 12, 2012.