Hi you guys I'm just a newbie and get stuck in this situation , sad new for me , after i got the alienware from my cousin . the lights were working fine , After that i install the Command Center and then all the lights just turn off completely , I did try everything , and it said that The Controller couldn't detect something from the system...I checked it online and saw that people said "motherboard is dead" and need to do the replacement , I dont have the Dell warranty . From the last time i already told with them . I asked them i just want to do the replacement and they told me i need to sign in for check up do bla bla bla , and then if it is not working , they will order and replacement the Motherboard for me , It's gonna be around more than 500$ already .
Can i asked u guys i check in ebay they had a lot of mother board for alienware m15x . Can i order from ebay and bring my laptop to someone who knew how to do the replacement for the motherboard ?
And can someone tell me are u sure after i replacement the motherboard the lights will work ?
Thank you so much !
If the laptop still runs, the motherboard isn't dead. You can ask a local reparator to check if all cables are connected or verify yourself that the installation of the Command Center has been performed correctly.
Where did you install command center from? If you installed it from the alienware resource disc then 'yes' you do need to replace the mobo if you want your lights back
If you installed an older command center than the one that was installed previously (off the alien cd) than the lights wont work because something the motherboard gets screwed up/fried. However the motherboard is perfectly fine except for the alien fx (lights). As far as i know thr only option is to get a new motherboard. Be careful on ebay as those motherboards are most likely pre-dell m15x. If you have a post-dell (core i processors) than you would need the corresponding motherboard. Research properly before purchasing the motherboard. Gluck
The current version is A07 (v2.5.54.0)
This may do the trick, give it a try, follow the instructions and let us know the outcome.
Thank you so much u guys for tried to helping me ! At the end i sold my laptop and now i just bought another one , Everything works fine
M15x lights not working ! should i order new Motherboard ?
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by teddydoan, Jun 22, 2012.