Well here is where I am at. A few people at Dell (including a manager) are willing to investigate this case further as now they have even seen the problem on their own test systems. However they would like some real feedback from people experiencing this. They basically said if there is enough of a response it would help them to move forward with the higher ups. With little response it makes it look to the higher ups like this is not a wide spread issue and they wont do anything.
They said I could give their emails out to anyone with the throttling issue. However it seems it is against the rules here to post these types of support email addresses as they are to specific people.
So, if you are interested in participating and reporting the fact that your system throttles to Dell, even if you have fixed it with Riva and are happy. Again the only can be aware of how large the issue is if people report the problem.
This whole idea is one from Dell, so I am hoping that this is a good thing.
The main goal really is to get a idea of how many people in this community actually experience throttling, real world and with Furmark. I have tried Furmark on many comps mid range and high end and not one can I make it throttle.
So all data is important in my opinion.
Please contact me if interested.
Thank you.
Well, I did experience it with a 920XM and 260M, in the following games:
Left 4 Dead
That was enough for me to use rivatuner. No Idea other games are also affected on my end. -
There are a good handful of people in the throttle thread that had some legit issues. Send them a PM.
I would keep talking it up in the boards. The more "hits" that contain the keywords throttle and m15x, the better the chances for a response, right Bill at Dell?
It is the same tactic that we were forced to use with the Dell Studio XPS 1645. Horrible throttling, due to an underpowered AC adapter. 90 watt versus 130 watt, and a bios fix...works great now.
I would then ask your technical manager to reference the throttling thread:
Just my two cents worth.
Good Luck. -
From what I remember, the 1645 throttled even under light stress so it affected nearly everybody on "normal" usage. This is how they have their numbers. M15x is nowhere near as severe and doesn't affect as many under how they use it. Not yet at least. Who knows how applications will affect the rest of the users in the future. I'm all for Dell fixing this despite not seeing any throttling myself. Yet. It shouldn't exist in an enthusiast laptop.
So reports directly to one point of contact would give some feedback.
We all know that it seems to be a design flaw, so to all of the people that have no experienced this. Have you tried furmark? Have you tried WoW on A05. (there's a free trial)
I am not trying to find out how many people are affected in a real world situation. They want to know which systems even furmark can cause this, which should be every M15x owner. See the thing is one rep connected to my comp and used 3dMark and Furmark as a test before I even mentioned. So I let them and they saw.
Again please if you have a M15x please try and recreate throttling even if you don't experience it on a daily in real world situations. If you recreate it and then your system throttles, please report it. This would be helpful information.
Thanks in advance.
M15x Throttling Feedback Response - Its only known if YOU make it known.
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by DeeX, May 12, 2010.