Original KH Special Laptop Cover SKin Carbon Fit DELL Alienware M15x | eBay
Has anyone here tried one of these skins? I'm contemplating grabbing the carbon fiber or silver carbon fiber (more likely silver) since I'm not too keen on the "silver" of my M15x. I thought it was going to be the charcoal color, but it came and was silver, so I ran across the above eBay ad when just searching for M15x. Doesn't look too bad on the Lenovo that was shown in the video.
I have tried the one with the leather texture instead and it worked great.
http://www.ebay.com.sg/itm/110721241146?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 -
Thanks onego. Do you have any pics of it installed? Did it start to peel up around the edges or anything?
Unfortunately, I never took any pictures of it. My M15x fell from the table few months ago and luckily with this leather skin it protected the lid of the laptop. It gave off a huge scar and I eventually had to tear it off. But I am going to purchase one of these again one day
The edges never started to peel off as it sticks really well but the only disadvantage of the skin is that it kinda attracts dust at the side lines due to its stickiness. Nevertheless it worked great and it never really bothered me at all.
The installation was really simple and it just took me a few minutes. Start off by applying the skin on the lid first by using the alien head as a guide line. As for the palm rest, use the touch pad as reference and adjust accordingly.
M15x Skin
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by wtferrell, Apr 27, 2012.