The same question……
Hey guys I'm really sorry. Having some personal stuff i got to deal with, not to mention my 580m came with the wrong back plate so I'll let you guys know when I get round to doing it. It will be done, but please, patience.
Sorry lads. -
no problem widezu, hope everything works out, good luck
Hola has this been tried
Waiting forever -
waiting to hear about the action widezu69
I am waiting……
Come on guys, have patience. Anyone here is free to buy one and try it.
ElectricTurtle Notebook Consultant
bump, waiting for the result...
yeah .... have a little patience, or buy it and try it if you cant wait ;-)
But you should still try for the betterment of mankind. -
and +rep from me
Do you guys know any reparation places, is that possible in any way?
Do you think this would work?
MXM Video Card Repair Type 3.0A 3.0B 3.0 Dell Alienware | eBay -
My assumption was always if the gfx is dead its dead. I could be wrong though.
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Probably would be better off just buying a GPU from ebay.
I have a gtx 260m currently and am in the process of getting my new gpu. My main concern is that if I upgrade to the 5850m or the 6970m can I just use the stock heatsink, cable, retention bracket, etc. that came with my M15x (gtx 260m) for the newer gpus?
I'll probably buy one anyway if it comes down to it
but if it's possible then that would be nice
anyway it's not really dead just a bit busted, don't know why
anybody here has ever had their card repaired? -
stock heatsink should be fine
your retention bracket wont fit properly onto the 6970m but it will still work
any questions go here -
What do you exactly mean with "a bit busted"?
Will it fit the 5850m?
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Yep, one size fits all.
I'm thinking like this because I really hope it's not dead -
What thermal pads do you guys recommend i get? im not at all sure which are good and which arnt.
100x100x2mm Heatsink Thermal Conductive Pad Fr Chip GPU | eBay
what about this one? -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
What graphics card is it?
Did you try changing drivers?
Are you sure the rest of the system is stable (ram, CPU)? -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
These are highly regarded by forum members, either in .5mm (shown) or 1.0mm thickness. Fujipoly Premium System Builder Thermal Pad - 1/4 Sheet - 150 x 100 x 0.5 - Thermal Conductivity 6.0 W/mK -
alright thanks, i just bought myself one
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Good choice.
I feel stupid for asking this, but how do you install thermal pads? Mine don't have any adhesive or anything to stick it to the memory diode.
I tried using [email protected] and then I used driver sweeper and tried the newest one posted by revelator
I'm pretty sure the system is stable because now I'm using my old 260m and it's fine. Although I remember that this card also sometimes lock up but rarely, could it be that cause the card needs more power it's showing these symptoms? -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Yes it could be because of power, what notebook do you have and what is your PSU rated for?
If you feel ur gpu dies under load...have you dusted out ur laptop and done a repaste of you gfx card. Also get a program like hwmonitor to check ur idle temps. Just an fyi, its best to give the whole picture so the more knowledeable guys on the forum can give you the proper advice and get u fixed up quickly.
this is the post is posted in the 6970m thread
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Try underclocking the GPU.
edit: also do you know how to underclock the cpu too, because I also just replaced my CPU with a 940xm and maybe the psu is not strong enough -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Try using AMD Overdrive.
You can underclock the CPU with throttlestop. -
Oh, do you know what would be the appropriate clocks? -
I just bought the 5850m card to go in the laptop in my sig, but it doesnt have any thermal pads. Should i get the 1mm or .5 mm pads. Does anyone know of a good place to get them, and any advice on which brand/type (i live in australia)?
Picked up both the pads and some as5 (darn you ebay)
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Sorry I have no idea. You're going to have to experiment.
You have thermal pads on your heatsink, they should still work fine. Haven't replaced mine so far and it's working well.
I'll try that when I put my card back in -
well, i WAS checking it out then i noticed the $30 shipping to canada, maybe theres another option.
what about these?
100x100x1mm Heatsink Compound Thermal Conductive Pad | eBay -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Probably. I'm no expert; I just know the Fujipoly pads are considered the creme de la creme and have worked well for me. The Chinese pads are said to provide about half the thermal conductivity of the FP pads, but that is more or less standard so far as I can tell. Those shipping charges to Canada are brutal. Is that typical for US sales?
Most likely repairable. And you can do it yourself, if you have an oven. I've repaired numerous cards successfully. I preheat the oven to 385, and put the card in, chip side up, suspended on aluminum foil balls, and bake for 8 minutes. Let it cool naturally, and presto, fixed.
What happens is the solder develops microfractures, and heating it melts the solder, then letting it cool resolders the entire board. Did it with an 8800gtx and a gtx280. It would start up, get lines, bsod, sometimes not start at all.
If you do this, remove everything! Google guides, there's quite a few.
Here's one: Fix Your Graphics Card By Baking In Oven
*Performing this has no warranty from me. If it doesn't work, sorry. But it has worked for me and MANY others, just google it. In fact, I've never heard of anyone having an unsuccessful bake, short of someone doing something horribly wrong, like baking it upside down and having hte gpu fall off.* -
Or if you'd rather not, I'd be interested in buying it and giving it a shot myself
Well, it looks like ill be buying the
100x100x1mm Heatsink Compound Thermal Conductive Pad | eBay
3.2w/mk isnt bad for something $30 cheaper seeing as every thing else on ebay is 2w/1.5w. -
Thanks for the tip though -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Let us know how they perform when you get them installed.
Ok so I can't buy anything online for a free months and I want to buy some thermal pads. Are there any stores that sell thermal pads and if so which ones would be best? im doing this because i think my thermal pads are the problem with my new 6970's temps which are really high. idle temps are about high 60's!! i respasted a couple times with ic diamond and there's no difference in the temps so far. the fans sound really loud the whole time my computer's on.
edit: the thermal pads i am using currently are the stock ones, and also after installing the drivers for the 6970m CCC won't open. i don't really know how to install the drivers when checking out svl7's guide so a little info on that would be much appreciated.
M15x GPU Thread: General Discussion on Upgrades, GPU Troubleshooting & Repairs
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Jeehan, Jun 28, 2011.