[-=UPDATE=-] Just been reported by Smeggit -> Since version SetFSB now works on more (if not all) Alienware AP M15x motherboards - WOOHOO! Go grab your copy of setFSB and have fun! I'll update the standard settings here as I learn more about your experiences so please report them!
I'm happy to report that SetFSB can now overclock the FSB on the AP M15x and now my lowly 720QM performs much better in almost every cpu-intensive task - W0000000T!!! Although I can push it further (slightly) I found it safe to run at 150MHz which gives peak turbo performance of around 3.16GHz (on one core, the cpu doesn't become unlocked!)
After one day getting frustrated that no-one seemed to be able to overclock the M15x, I wrote to ABO (creator of SetFSB) and asked if there was anything that could be done. I sent him some motherboard data, and he suggested I tried the Asus N61JQ which worked!! My stable overclock is presented as a basis - from 133MHz FSB to 150MHz (12.8%). This may not work for everyone but it's proven to be solid for me with my current setup.
This only works on the Registered version of Setfsb v2.3.147.112 or later (There's a donate button on their site and Abo will email you to arrange your keycode). Please be patient as he's an individual, not some big company. He probably needs to sleep sometimes too.
There are M15x's that have a different Clock Generator and some users have reported that SetFSB doesn't work for them. According to Abo (creator of SetFSB) there is a different PLL on some boards and currently we have no solution for this.
There are some (very rare) cases where when pushing all 8 threads of the i7 you might experience throttling (currently I've only seen this happen in OCCTPT).
To avoid CPU throttling when running heavy CPU loads, set your GPU to low-power mode (Stealth mode).
I got an extra 10C at idle and full load, so expect more heat and therefore more fan noise. At max CPU load it isn't as noisy as max GPU load (for me).
The timers in games and benchmarks can be affected, fraps reports 53fps when running full v-synced (at 60fps) because the timers are tweaked also. There's some discussions about this starting on page 31 of this thread where the issue is explained by Unclewebb.
We aren't sure about which motherboard revisions work and which don't since we've had rev 11 and 12 mobos that work and don't work, so it is probably some other factor that gives us different ICS/PLL chips.
The overclock does remain when you restart - just not if you turn off and then back on. It also causes problems with sleep and hibernate - short answer: overclock when you need, not as a general-use option.
If there's anything else you think should be on these notes, please let me know!
(by Jstarnino)
1. download SetFSB.
2. Donate.
3. he will then send u an e-mail asking you for some info that you will need to e-mail back to you.
"1. Could you tell me your SetFSB ID number?
2. The SetFSB informations
a. the motherboard(/PC) name ?
b. the chipset name ?
c. the clock generator name ? (If it is possible)"
4. When you get a reply, run SetFSB and skip the first dialog box ( just press ok for now)
5. select the clock generator to "ASUS N61JQ".
6. click "Diagnosis" button.
7. click "Get FSB" button.
8. click "Capture" button.
9. send capture image to him by e-mail
10. He e-mails you back the activation key, and type it in the first dialog box that appears when you open setFSB.
After first putting in the code and setting the PLL, quit SetFSB to save the settings. From then on, you won't have to do anything fancy.
1: Click GetFSB
2: Move slider to 492 (150MHz) (DEFAULT is 407)
3: Click SetFSB
Command line options
-w : Wait [00-99 sec] default=10sec
-s : Set FSB [000-999 MHz]
-i : Increment [00-99 MHz] default=max
-u : 0(default)=normal , 1=ultra
-b : 0(default)=normal , 1=background
-p : PCI-E [000-999 MHz] default=none
-cg[string] : Clock Generator default=none Maximum 15 characters
DEFAULT 150MHz option: setfsb -w0 -s150
FSB Speed: 133 150 160
Memory Speed: 1333 1500 1600
720QM Speed: 1.6-2.8 1.8-3.2 1.9-3.3
Warning - 160MHz mode works for me but with this overclock, sometimes I leave my computer and come back to a rebooted machine. Use with caution!
Memory Read: 14106 15670 16858
Memory Write: 11500 12461 13848
Queen: 19747 22125 23741
Zlib: 55184 61674 66611
Masmobench (attached)
Cinebench (attached)
Here's the CPU Validation:
CPU-Z Validator 3.1
Attached Files:
Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015 -
Great news! I'm gonna start too!
That's what I'm talking about. Thanks for the headsup.
Nice find, you saved me some time. You should email Abo and tell him so he can update the description.
Edit: I see you did work with Abo and he just emailed me.
Now all you need it the TDP/TDC settings to work with these procs. -
wooot thats really awesome ...
will u explain how to do it and link to download FSB when you finish checking your beast
cuz i wanna unleash the beast too
The cpu now idles at around 50 which is a bit higher than usual. Haven't gone over 75C yet, so not worried (I have the i7 core-parking disabled also).
The nice part is, everest is reporting my frequency at around the 3GHz mark (which is above the rated max of 2800) and it seems to be sitting there most of the time. Not sure why, but nice to have a snappier processor
Everything is noticeably snappier and CPU benchmarks are well above normal!Attached Files:
I can't wait to try this, but I'm leaving tomorrow and will be without my computer for three weeks!
+1 rep Mr Pras
I used the G61JQ PLL, and it wouldn't work when I hit "Get FSB". I know I don't have it registered yet, but I thought that part was supposed to work. -
Awesome dude, time for a fresh install of Windows and a new run of benching
Its just a bummer we cant increase the TDP etc...
Unclewebb and i tried on my i7 820 and it was a no go .... -
TDP/TDC adjustment seems to be blocked on the i7-720QM and i7-820QM. It works on the Extreme CPUs but it also works on some of the Dual Cores like the i7-620M.
If you can get enough juice from your power adapter, the new SetFSB trick combined with the TDP/TDC trick might make for a speedy little dual core.
Edit: I don't know of any way to increase core voltage on Core i CPUs. If there's a way to do it with software, it's an Intel secret. -
In my experience it definitely gives slightly higher benches and a spring in your step with regards to the general interface and any apps which are affected by sluggish latency (sound especially). DWM seems more fluid and definitely was nice to see the mouse pointer refreshing at 59/60 instead of 30fps..
The micro sluggishness of waking up a core adds up especially when threads are being moved around all the time (which windows does automatically for some legacy reason). These tiny wake-ups add up to a more sluggish experience unless all the cores are maxing out.
That's the best understanding I have at the moment. From observations and benchmark tests - slightly lower ram latency, slightly higher benchmarks, removes jerky/stuttery sound issues in low-latency audio apps.
Perhaps I'll try to set it back to default to compare again now that it's overclocked. -
Since you can change the core voltage for the processor with the M17x in the bios (just like the bclk) I assumed it would be possible. -
I tried at 166MHz (failed) and went back to 150MHz which works fine. What frequencies did you guys try?
At 150MHz I get 1450MHz Ram, a CPU with a basic turbo (all cores) of 2GHz and a max (one core) of 3GHz. The idle temp is 50C and the max temp is 78C (Using OCCTPT).
Can anyone confirm it working/not working on their CPU? -
I will try it later tonight, can't wait.
Do you think it would work better if my cpu is parked ?! :O -
Having said that, I don't think it would make much difference. If you aren't using the coreparkingdisable tweak already I wouldn't try it at the same time. Just go with setFSB and try the core-parking thing after.
It might actually help to keep the temps slightly down while over-clocked, I couldn't tell you. -
we can OC our ram nicely
nice find ...
I'll try my I5 and I7 720 -
Hmm, interesting. I might just have to try this...
I've tried it with the N61JQ PLL, and it works. At 13x multiplier, it reaches around 1.8ghz (per core).
Hey guys,
downloaded and donated but where do i get my activation code????????????? -
You have to donate 500 JPY (Yen) to Abo, who will then send you an e-mail asking for your SetFSB ID, Computer name, Chipset & Clock generator. Use the activation code he gives you to register SetFSB.
Yeah just received the email.
Query Chipset and clock generator?? im a noob LOL i have a 720 QM -
I really don't get why it doesn't work with my i7-620M; shouldn't the PLL be the only thing that matters for this?
Cancel my last guys all sorted.
NOW onto the next dumb question! is there a way to reset to defaults? just wanted to know how to get back before jumping off the cliff? lol -
The defaults are roughly 406/760 for the FSB. 00h is default 21, 10h is default 20. 10h can be set up to 3F. If it is set to 40, it will go up to 41 automatically and will freeze. Restarting the M15x will revert back to default if it freezes.
What do you mean by using ASUS N61JQ option? Is there different version you suppose to download and use? When I go to the site I saw version is that what you suppose to download?
Changed fsb but no change in processor speed or WEI. Am i doing something wrong? is there something i should be doing more? i have set it to 493/760.
how can i donate the 500yens? i dont understand anything xD
yea me 2 how can i donate :S ?
Also, who (maybe Mandrake) has any ideas why the i7-620M isn't working? I just don't get how the CPU being different could do that. Also, is that Asus model one that only has Clarksfields? I hope mine doesn't have a different PLL. -
i have the answer now, in the right top it shows japanese, change to english LOL
I have the same I7 as Mr Pras! what am i doing wrong? could someone please give me a short brief on how to use SetFSB?
Hey, can you give us a link where to download these Benchmark tools you used?! I'm about to give it a try, I'd like to have some base numbers to compare!
cpu queen is on the everest ultimate edition
Ok great, and how much is 500 yens?
Yeah I know, I'm just THAT lazy.
EDIT: Aight, gotcha, thats about 6USD.. Thats a lot for a "maybe"... -
for me is 4,45 , but if for a near 5 you have a great improvement on your hardware, is not a lot, the thermal paste is more expensive for example
Mine stays a 1596 and doesn't register under cpuz or everst as any overclock.
Any suggestions to change anything in setfsb to help?
Also it seems to stay set after a reboot so a cold restart (or just set the fsb back to the original which is 406 if I remember right..) -
To up the Mhz, change the 10h offset to anything up to 3F (don't do 40+, the computer will freeze), then adjust the FSB using the slider bar. Don't go crazy with that.
Have you set it to 492? Not sure, but it might make a difference which exact one you use.
Another suggestion could be to apply the Core Parking tweak (see my sig about sluggish performance) maybe that affects it somehow?
It does need to be at least setfsb version 112.
I've attached a picture of my settings, with Tmonitor showing the core speeds while I run a single-thread winrar session forced onto core number 2
Let's see if we can get it working for you guys! It's so worth it!! 720 performing like a stock 920 and with boosted ram... (sorry I'm just really happy to get this working at last)
1: Change PLL to Asus N61JQ
2: Click GetFSB
3: Move slider to 492 (150MHz)
4: Click SetFSB
What does the 10h offset control? A different clock? Currently I'm only boosting FSB and RAM but the CPU is still running on the same multipliers so gets a boost from that.Attached Files:
Sorry pic didnt work! how do you post a pic?
M15x FSB Overclocking (not only 920XM!)
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Mr Pras, Jul 14, 2010.