which one? mine?
basically you need to run watto's app. it requires java and the app is a *.jar file.
create a blank theme to get started and then exit (you need to rightclick the alien icon in the system tray to fully exit)
copy my profile to c:\users\[username]\.alienFXprofiles
where [username] is your actual windows login name
when you load the app again, the profile will be there
you just need to select it and it will auto work.
i suggest you close alienware's alienfx app first however to stop them from conflicting.
Thanks that helped out Thanks for the upload!
WOW damn nice !
How do we get the theese coulers on the "command buttons" they are only right.
Would be SO nice if they change colours to
which change colours? the touch sensitive bar?
with watto's app you can
it might be a pain to setup at first, but imo it's worth it. -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
I usually stick to my favourite colour... Blue. However I'd like the Alienware Logo on the lid to morph between blue and red... I cant find the option to do this, any help?
Unfortunately the alien head on the back is the same as the alien head power button and they only morph when the computer goes from A/C to D/C power and visa versa. I wish there were more editing capabilities of the AlienFX software.
Can someone please reupload this theme? the original link is dead.
Would do but I'm not home atm, I'll try to post it tomorrow!
I updated the links on this page, and also updated the link to download on the YouTube video. The domain name I was using expired but the webhost is still up so I just fixed up the "real" URL. I also verified that the Rainbow theme works on Command Center and have been looking into editing the actual ath file in order to start morphing the Alien Head logos, control panel, and touch pad.
I updated my Rainbow theme a small amount as well, if you want to mimic my changes just adjust the theme so your Zones are like the following:
<Rainbow Zones - Don't Change>
This gives a nice RGB (Red/Green/Blue aka Primary Colors) theme starting near the screen hinge and moving down to the speakers. Blends very well with the Rainbow even though it's not morphing. -
HELP ME PLS!!! i have an Alienware M15x..My alienware M15x don't know y when i start the laptop then alien head is not lighten up..but after the windows starts it onli light up...i have tried reinstall the command center....this didn't happen before....pls help
I fixed the link again, working good as new.
spradhan01 Notebook Virtuoso
so you have the latest version of command center?
spradhan01 Notebook Virtuoso
yes I do. 10 chars
it would be nice if we could get videos of the themes. just sayin.
Here's an updated version of Spectrum and Low power and I made a screen and a couple of videos to show them.
Spectrum - Based on the classic 4-colour scheme of the ZX Spectrum computer.
Low Power - alternately dips the colours to black to half the amount of energy used by the keyboard lighting (use together with dim mode).Attached Files:
spradhan01 Notebook Virtuoso
Attached Files:
They are fairly easy to recreate though to be honest..Attached Files:
Tried it, but the themes don't actually work for me. When I preview or apply it, the colours don't morph. Am I missing something?
Actually, I just noticed that this is, indeed, the M15x themes thread. I suppose there would be a shared thread if it was compatible. Since you have an M17x I guess you might get better help at the M17x forum?
OK so I made a rainbow one as well. I really liked the other one, but couldnt get it to work for some reason. Mine goes through 4 colors but in the process of changing goes the entire range. The keyboard doesnt go solid color through the theme. (Hope that makes scense)
Ok these are basic, but I like them when its dark lol.
Orange Swipe
This one is like Swipe but the keyboard will stay fully lit untill it goes back by.
Orange Keyboard
The orenge ones im working on still. Seems the timing goes off on them for some reason after they run for a while. Does some interesting things after a while lol. -
Gonna give a bump!
Kinda new to all this. How does one go about loading a theme on and start it themeing. Thanks
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
to get started start up command center. they have a tutorial in there for you.
but there is 2 options 1 is basic and the other is advanced.
basic is just solid colors no flashing or morphing
advanced is all the good stuff morphing, flashing etc.
just choose one and start playing around.
or download any of these premade one. and save to your fx folder, normally located in my documents.
then go to command center and select theme and select open and apply.
sorry if this sound confusing, had a long night last night, heheheheh -
Launch command center, go to file at the top and pick what you want too do, load, save or make a new theme.
Cool themes Freakout Thanks for sharing.
Keep em' coming!
great work everyone!
Here's one I just made.
View attachment Blues.zip
Maybe OP should edit the first post and list all uploaded themes from this thread. -
nice not too flashy, easy on the eyes lol i had the rainbow themes and it was too colorful i keep looking at the keyboard lol -
here is one i've been using for a few weeks, its a basic theme.
Download REDYELLOW BASIC.ath from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way -
Hehehe, well, I like to think I tinker with themes...a lot. Included in this pack are two fluctuating green themes, two "corrosion" based ones, four "flame" themes, four "frost" themes, and three prismatic themes. It's some stuff anyways
EDIT: Created with Files:
View attachment Blues2.zip -
My first post
...and also my first attempt at a theme xD
Icy blues and greens...
Icy.ath -
Well done on the rainbow theme. I like it! Works well! -
First experiment with a more complicated theme:
Orange-Red moving gradient:
http://mexico.purplecow.org/tmp/PCOWorangered_basic.ath -
Very cool theme! Works great on my "All Powerful" M15x I purchased in September 2010! Thanks much! By the way I'm running Windows 7 x64.
How do I install these themes?
I'm using Alienware Command Center and when I click on some of your theme links it just comes up some weird coding. Do I need to just copy and paste it and save the file as an .ath extension? -
just save to your theme folder, located in your documents by default. then open up cc, then open up that new theme.
Well when I click on http://mexico.purplecow.org/tmp/PCOWorangered_basic.ath
it opens up a new tab in google chrome with a bunch of coding. doesnt DL anything, otherwise I'd put it in my themes folder -
oh ioc now. just use note pad copy and paste the text then save it. then open up in cc.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
By default, themes are saved at c:\users\[Computer Name]\My Documents\AlienFX\Themes. Copy/move the downloaded .ath file to that folder and it will be included among the available themes in Alienware Command Center.
M15x AlienFX Themes!
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by BatBoy, May 30, 2010.