also what happens in the crash, does it freeze, bsod, reboot?
When it crashes it just shuts down. No freeze, no bsod, no restart, straight black screen and turned off without notice. Fortunately it only happens when CPU + GPU overclocked gaming or doing benchmarks, so it's not a big deal.
Do you need to unplug and plug your PSU back in the wall after this happens or can you just restart (not sure how AW tripping mechanisms work, but I'd need to reset my Sager PSU after this would happen)?
On a related note, I'm on the cusp of trading for a m15 with a 6970m and was looking to pick up a heftier adapter. Does the 240w m17x adapter work out of the box, or is there some sort of mod needed? -
A 240w adapter will work, you just have to go into the bios and disable the PSU beep and it should be fine. I don't think you'd need it though, svl7, dttran3 all have ordinary bricks and they use theirs fine.
Where did you get your card @mig? Haven't heard any other reports of shut downs etc on the regular versions of the card (I get shut downs because of my extra shaders when overclocking CPU and GPU therefore extra power requirement). Shame no one has a Dell version to report in this thread. I'm guessing it would be the best match with fan control as well. -
hi guys, I have bought a DELL card and will get it tomorrow.
I hope it hasn't the problems of fan……(Though I have learned how to use HWinfo32 to control it ) -
Nice one! Lets see how it compares to the rest.
The link to the forum is Bios Mods -The Best BIOS Update and Modification Source - Phoenix Unlocking Requests
I'd really like to see some benchmarks, you should be able to get the highscore if you're lucky, the Dell cards seem to be able to clock higher, especially the vram.
You're sure it's not caused by heat? If so then it's probably really because of the power.
I can't remember whether I asked you this already, but did you try the Clevo vbios, just in case (solved the fan issue with 6970m in a M17x for some cards...)? -
I'll let you know how it goes. -
Hey mig, I found something. Shut downs happened with the 6970m when tested in a W870CU, see here:
Clevo W870CU
Scroll down to the part with this image:
It mentions something about padding the underside. I'm gonna try this myself to see if it solves my problems too. -
MrValle was having the same problem so that may help him too. Thanks a million. I'll let you know if it works. -
I will change the card few hours later, so I wanna some advice~
Which driver should I choose? 11.4(adjusted for AW by a forum administrator,using no problem and support 6970m on m17x-R3 ), 11.5b hotfix or 11.6 of AMD? If I use the same driver, need I uninstall it before removing the 5850m? The last but not the least, need I flash the vbios for the DELL card? THX^^ -
Install the latest 11.6 ones from the Ati site. You also should uninstall your previous 5850 ones. Flashing the Dell vbios is a good idea as it gives you sound over DP/HDMI.
I heard that 11.6 from AMD may bring some problems on AW original notebook, is it OK for a 6970m exchanged M15x? Is there any possibility that the DELL card has the R3 vibos already? If not, can you give me a vbios to download?
If you have the Dell card then it is fine. I am running 11.6 in my system. No problems.
Is it true that Dell cards use Hynix rams and the Clevo ones use Samsung? svl7 what brand chips do you have? I seem to have hynix ones despite coming from Clevo.
It seems the card cannot be delivered tonight……(18 pm. now)may be I have to exchange it tomorrow morning
For all the people who are still looking for a 6970m:
There are two 6970m on sale on ebay, according to the seller they are both Dell cards. Price is reasonable imo, especially compared to the other Dell 6970m I've seen on ebay. Here's the link in case you're interested.
I'd love to get one of those, but since I already have a card and still need to sell the 470m it would be pretty stupid to buy another one, lol.
Edit: Seems that there's only one card, I thought there were two up for sale from the same dealer.
I recently fixed the motherboard issue. Looks like I was dealing with just bad mobo, not a gpu related problem.
At the end of the second post.
I have exchanged the DELL 6970m, everything is ok and there is no fan issue. But when I running the furmark a few minutes or playing BC2 for a while, the notebook will be black screen and restart. I think it isn't the temperature issue, may be the notebook reach its PSU limit? Beacuse I use a machine to measure the PSU power, and when furmark is running, it always above 150W for a long time and then restart itself
Bad Company 2 is also a game which need high power from PSU. Maybe I undervolt the GPU can solve this problem?
Can someone tell me whether stealth mode working with this card?
Sure here it is:
Attached Files:
I remember the condition should be the contrary.
The bios is inside. A guide is on the second post of this thread.
1.Extract the file and copy it to a USB stick
2. Reboot from the USB stick. (Assure that system is on AC power.)
3. At the DOS prompt, type "atiflash -p 0 Undervolt.rom" (no quotes) and press Enter.
4. Allow time for the flash -- DO NOTHING until instructed to reboot to complete the flash and returned to the DOS prompt.
5. Remove USB stick and reboot into Windows. -
That's the idle clocks when a second display is attached. There's sometimes an issue that this card somehow thinks there's a second display even there isn't a monitor connected.
Right click on the desktop, screen resolution, choose Display: 1.Mobile PC display and Multiple displays: "show desktop only on 1"
It's also described in the first post, at the end. -
Make sure to make a backup of your vbios before flashing. -
Hmm, I guess you mean 100/150. What vbios do you use at the moment? Is it undervolted? And which drivers?
Hmm, weird, I never had such issues... is powerplay activated? Temps are fine? Do you use some special skins?
Maybe the driver didn't install properly, you'll have to install it again anyway when you flash the Dell vbios, maybe it will be solved afterwards. -
Crazy. In this case the issues are most probably caused by the too low memory clock.
You have a Dell 6970m? -
Cool! But in this case you won't need to flash the vbios, except they changed something, but as far as I know there hasn't been an update.
Can you post a screenshot of the first GPU-Z tab? There you can see the vbios version, then someone with the R3 vbios can check whether something changed.
I'm using a clevo vbios atm. -
I wanna flash the undervolted vbios because when running furmark or playing some 3D game(such as witch 2, bc2), the notebook will restart itself. Recording to the machine I used to measure the power from PSU, I think it occurs when psu drawing more than 150W for a few minutes.Attached Files:
Ok, I'm sure someone who's running the Dell vbios can soon tell you whether it's a different version or not.
What are your other specs? -
Most of things are fine, idle temperature is 52 with clock 300/300, when playing Dirt3, the highest is 69. And furmark is about 75 before it restarted. The score of 3dmark at 680/900 is nice, too. The issue of restart is the most serious. I hope to solve it as soon as possible. How can I flash it correctly?
Ok, yeah, should be possible to solve somehow. The card works very well for me, even when I play at stock voltage.
For the flashing procedure take a look at my second post in this thread. First of all you'll need to make a DOS bootable USB drive.
Then don't forgot to make a backup of your original vbios before flashing the modified one.
Command for saving the vbios is: atiflash -s 0 orig6970.rom
For flashing you can use the one from my tutorial and simply omit the -f since you won't need to force the flash:
atiflash -p -f 0 FILE.extension
Please post some benchmarks in the benchmark thread! -
I currently have the vbios from Dell that svl7 posted on the first post and it is a different version than the one from destinymax that it's supposed to be from dell as well. Find below my GPU-Z screenshot.
Could maybe this vbios fix the autofan issue?
Destinymax, can you please share with us your current vbios version?
M15x & 6970M / 6990M - What you need to know - upgrading, problems, solutions
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by svl7, Apr 19, 2011.