Just installed my new GPU and now the darn machine won't boot up.
Gives me 3 beeps and the a POST error (Scroll,Caps flashing and NUM solid)
According to dell/AW, it the vid card...
BIOS version is A06...do I need to update the BIOS???
Well put back your old card, update the bios, then try again with the new GPU.
will do. Thanks
Yes, you need at least BIOS A07 for the 460m if I remember correctly.
OMG! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I was sooooooo pissed that I broked ma card!!!
It works fine. phew. -
Good to hear
Now comes a dumb question, what sort of temps should I be expecting? It's running at about 52 whit not under load.
Thanks -
What kind of paste do you have?
arctic silver 5 (same one I used on the CPU a few days ago)
Should be ok. What matters is load temps really. Run a game like Crysis 2 for about 20 mins, should get your temps rocking.
20 mins of Crysis 2 and temp was only @ 65 might have hit 70.
Thanks! I am proud of the paste job I did considering I've never done it before.
Yeah, I don't know if it's the new CPU or the new GPU but my gaming performance has gone to s$&t. Games that were running fluidly on the i5 430M/GTX260M are now barely getting 10FPS...drivers are up to date. Temps are well within the norm.
Installed diag tools from Intel and everything is in the green. Don't know of any nVidia diags that I can use...
I'm thinking a fresh install of Win7 might help but I'm really trying to avoid that long process...
Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Have you checked to be sure that PowerPlay is enabled? It sometimes gets turned off during driver installations. And that stealth mode is off?
I just installed my 460M as well and my temps are great, but I was wondering why my games start sort of choppy and then performance improves. For example, in portal the first couple times I switch rooms or shoot a portal frame rate drops less than half for a couple seconds, and then it goes back to 60+. Any ideas why this would happen?
Your computer is throttling. There are programs such as throttlestop and other that can help you. I have not used those so i know little about them but you should search the forums about throttling.
Yup. You nailed it. It was throttling. I installed throttleStop and now I'm able to game normally.
Thanks for the help. -
what did you change in throttlestop?
I just modified the game profile...
Set the chipset clock mod to 100% and the set multiplier to 13. -
Put the multiplier to turbo. Setting it to 13 cripples it a bit. You can also manipulate your TRL's to overclock much higher but from my experience, it will cause your GPU to throttle.
Got it. I'll do this when i get home from work.
Thanks -
Any idea what could be causing my problem??
Someone mentioned your system is throttling, which is a big issue with the M15x with the 260M GPU, with the 460M it might be causing it as well. Use throttlestop to fix the problem. Good luck!
Sweet avatar.
Disasta, you may want to try using TS to see if it helps fix the gaming slowdown you are having. Mine is running fine since I used TS this AM.
M15X: GTX460M installed...PC won't boot.
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by kyussmanchu, Aug 17, 2011.