I finally installed my 970M, but the computer don't boot..
the power button turns on and shows that the computer is charging when I plug it in with the original power supply, but when I press the button, it turns off and nothing happens, no fan, no display, and same with the 240w psu, but the power button doesn't turn on (it's normal i think, since it's not the original psu)
I have no idea what to check, I really need help.
Thank you in advance..
Does it turn on with your old gpu? Check the keyboard status led layout for post error codes
Read this post:
If I were you I´ll double check if all cables are correctly installed -
I didn't try with my old gpu (I spent a lot of time to swap the 260M with the 970M so I didn't really want to spend any more time on it)
I don't have any post error codes, my keyboard status leds don't turn on when i hit power
I didn't touch the cpu, I didn't touch the motherboard, I put all the screws on, I connected every cables i seen (there is not a lot of cables if i remember correctly)
(According to me, if the problem came from the gpu, then the pc would boot but without any display or would show a LED Error Code, there I just have nothing, but i'm not an expert so idk)
EDIT : a cmos battery reset would help ? -
Are you 100% sure everything is connected again? If you are, then you´ll have to swap back your old gpu to discard a dead 970m. What bios ver are you running?
I'm 99% sure but i'll recheck tomorrow
my bios version is A09 (Original, not Unlocked)
a cmos battery reset would help or nah ? -
Aldo, which 970m brand did you bought?
Dell and Clevo cards are alomst plug and you are done (just a little driver tweak needed), but there are some brands like MSI that just won´t work at all -
Yes, post it, if I can´t I´m sure someone else with a little more exp will know.
Here it is
Attached Files:
Looks like a Clevo one to me, since you already have it out, why not try your old 260m again? If everything boots just fine, it´s most likely a dead 970m
haha, ok, here´s what I would do. First of all, I would try my older 260m to discard a faulty 970m, if your system still doesn´t boot, then you just missed something when reasemblimg your m15x. Take special care with screen and keyboard conectors since those are the usuall suspects, finally if you uninstalled them try reseating your ram, pretty sure it´s one of those things.-
The m15x has a little bad temper, it wont boot unless EVERYTHING is working perfectlyLast edited: Dec 21, 2020 -
Good luck! Btw, dont forget to allways do a power drain before doing anything to your machine (remove battery and power supply, then press and hold power button for 10secs )in order to discharge any remainig power from caps.
Fl0oW likes this. -
I checked every cables than i disconnected when i installed the 970M, they are all connected, so idk..
I'll try to put my 260M back
EDIT : I just thought of something, I didn't put pads underneath the graphics card, maybe there's a short circuit?Last edited: Dec 22, 2020 -
I would sugest you to look into this post, it´s for the m17x it´s a very similar machine.
Over there, you´ll see all the places you should put a pad in the card -
So i presume than the 970M i got is dead ? -
Is it possible that my problem is due to the fact that the card may work with NVIDIA Optimus & G-Sync?
(I don't know if the card work with NVIDIA Optimus & G-Sync)Last edited: Dec 22, 2020 -
I don´t know about that. I´m my opinion it´s a dead 970m, I would try it one more time to see if it still doesn´t work, and then try to return it. Swapping a 970m is not an over complicated thing, just install it, mod the driver and it´s usually good to go.-
Thanks for your help man, i really appreciate it ! -
M15X won't boot after 970M upgrade
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Fl0oW, Dec 21, 2020.