I just bought a used m15x on ebay for a bargain.
running i3 M370 cpu and a GTX 460M
unfortunately it cant run rust (the game i play most)
what gpu upgrade can i perform?
Your CPU may be a bigger problem. You could upgrade to a 920 xm for a reasonable cost - that would give you quad core and 8 thread capability - and it is unlocked in the M15x. Lots of info on this site. Best (though expensive) video upgrade would be Nvidial 970m. The 980 runs hot and takes too much power. Installation is not very hard - you will have to modify the Nvidia inf for the driver - again, lots of help here.
Good luck,
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the 980m takes to much power? what do you mean?
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Mobius is right - it is mostly the heat. Cooling system simply cannot handle it, unless you want to go to extreme measures, like removing the entire bottom of the case and adding much larger fans. Power is also an issue, but there are ways around it. However, a 970m, with an overclockable 920 xm is pretty fast, especially at 900 x 1600 or 1080p resolution. You should be able to find some benchmarks for this combination - it's fairly common on this forum.
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M15X upgrade options?
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by alex holgate, Jul 18, 2016.