hi guys i have just found out that i have got something underneath the glass of my screen is there anyway of getting rid of this or do i have to take the screen apart and if so if there a guide around for how to do it
What exactly is it that you've got stuck there, because my screen also has what looks to a few dust particles. Can't notice it with the laptop on though. I believe the only way to get to that area would be to do a teardown of the laptop, albeit not an entire teardown. As for the tutorial:
Alienware M15x Teardown 1 of 3 **READ SAFETY PRECAUTIONS PRIOR TO REPLACING PARTS** (Official Video) - YouTube
Alienware M15x Teardown 2 of 3 **READ SAFETY PRECAUTIONS PRIOR TO REPLACING PARTS** (Official Video) - YouTube
Alienware M15x Teardown 3 of 3 **READ SAFETY PRECAUTIONS PRIOR TO REPLACING PARTS** (Official Video) - YouTube
Post back on how you go, and g'luck! -
this is what it looks like its small but notice able and not just dust so may have a look at taking the screen apart but as dell say i have to send it back to the depot and that will take 3 weeks and i really want to play skyrim when it comes out.
Attached Files:
Sorry to say this but other than completely tearing up the lcd display unit( in the process voiding your warranty). Your only option it seems is sending it in for repairs.
http://forum.notebookreview.com/ali...ck-m15x-900p-1080p-lcd-b-rgled-1080p-lcd.html -
i am out of warranty anyway so i may hav a look at how hard it is anyway
What Mexic00l is saying is correct in that you will have to tear the screen off the lcd display, and will basically destroy your current screen. You will probably have to replace the screen afterwards.
M15X something underneath glass screen
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by highfly, Oct 25, 2011.