Good luck! Where did you get it? By the way your sig has a typo I believe it should say 1600x900.
I got it from aikimox. Here is an image of it, for anyone want to know what it look like. I think it the same card as slv7. The clevo card is green color and the dell card is like navy blue. This one is kinda like greenish blue.
Thank for pointing that out widezu69. I will fix it. -
Nice, looking forward to hear about your results.
Hey slv7 how you get the 11.4 to install?
But maybe this will work directly: AMD Catalyst 11.4 Early Preview 7 Vista x32 x64 download from -
I got it install directly with the 11.4 preview. Hey my sensor on gpuz read the clock at 250 and 900 but on the other side it read correctly. Does your do that slv7?
The sensor tab shows the current clock, so this is ok, I guess it'll change all the time. On the graphics card tab I see 680/900 at both, GPU clock and default clock. The GPU clock will change when you OC the card, it shows the current 3D clocks as far as I understand this, the default clock will change when you flash a different clock (vbios modification), it shows the default 3d clocks which are written in the vbios.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Edit: Omg, need to sleeoLooking forward to see your efforts!
About overclocking I read about it and it said you have to mod the driver before to you can overclocked. Did you do that?
Just the put it simply the first page will show the default clock plus your specified clock if you OC'd. The sensor tab shows current clocks.
Not correcting you svl7 just simplifying what you said
Edit: you don't have to mod to OC, use trixx -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Congrats, Dttran83. Looking forward to your impressions and performance experience.
Nice Congrats bro. Haven't used the fan thingy so I don't know anything but here is a link for more info.
Alienware Fan Control -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
On the Sensors screen, there is a small fan icon in the bottom section, next to "Logging Start." Click on that, use the slider to adjust the speed and click "Set Manual."
For the fan, use Sapphire Trixx and set up a fan profile based on different temps.
K got the fan thing figure out. @ slv7, do we have to leave the hwinfo32 on all the time for the fan to be affective? Because once I exit it the fan start raving up again.
I did a vantage and 3dmark 11 run at stock clock and got 10900 for vantage gpu and p3033 for 3dmark11. -
Mumak, the developer of HWinfo32 has a link to a good discussion thread in his signature. Cant provide a link atm, writing from my phone, sry for mispelling. -
@ slv7 is your card idle at 250 and 900. Why isn't the memory decrease when it idle? -
The card may throttle if you have your CPU overclocked too. Try using it on stock TPL and TRL.
For over/underclocking try Trixx. Are the temps ok? Can you post a GPU-Z log from a gaming session? -
Here a screen shot of it idling. Only when I turn off powerplay then it ilde at 100 and 150. -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
PowerPlay enabled? Which drivers are you using?
yes powerplay is enabled. I use to have a gtx 260m and never had throttling problem. After that I switch to 5870m and never had problem but recently I got a 5850m from a friend and it throttle like that. I have to use amd gpu clock to keep my clock constant and amd gpu clock doesn't work on this card. I'm using the 11.4 preview.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Would someone extract and post the vbios from the 6970M? Thanks, I'd love to have a look.
I'm planning switching my bios back to A07 and see what happen. It ok to revert back to older bio version right?
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Don't know whether A07 would recognize the 6970M. Why A07? Don't think I'd start getting fancy until it was stable under the same setup svl7 is using. That's the only real experience we have at this point.
For some reason I'm not idling like slv7 and my clock is not stable while I play game.
dttran83, can you post your vbios as well? I'd like to compare it to mine... though I guess it's the same. And maybe a screenshot of the graphic card tab of GPU-Z.Attached Files:
Here is mine gpuz screen shot.
How do put a attachment file? -
If you're quoting someone you should directly see the additional options. -
So do I just save the save the vbio with gpuz and upload it? I try to do that and it said file is invalid.
I'm considering saling this card and get a 5870m again if this doesn't work out. -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
You need to change the extension to .txt or zip it up. They won't allow .bin or .rom files to be uploaded.
@svl7. Thank you, my friend. Just curious. And wondering where dttran's 200/900 clocks are coming from. +Rep. -
Here is my vbios.
View attachment -
Are you using throttlestop to overclock ur 940xm? If so, try back that down some to fix throttling.
@The Rev: You're welcome! Hope we can get the card from ddtran running properly... -
@ slv7 you think it might be where you install the driver from mxm-upgrade first then install the amd driver?
So, to sum it all up so far how many different 6970m´s have we seen this far and what are their problems/differences?
Clevo,Dell, directly from AMD.
Which does have the fans full speed problem etc? -
First of all I'd try to do a power drain, just in case. I have PowerPlay enabled and it works fine. Make sure you use a high performance power plan. -
i idle at 250/900 when connected to an external monitor.
K I got the idle to work now thank to inap mentioned about external monitor. Some how it read my monitor as a external monitor where it show both desktop 1 and 2. So I change it to only display desktop 1 and now I'm idle at 100/150. I think I might also got the throttling issue fix. I switch to 11.1 and it seem to work. Need to do more testing. -
That's good to hear!!
Yea it not clevo. It directly from amd so I don't know what it consider.
Ok, im considering a Clevo 6970m, will that have problems with DP/HDMi or other troubles? anybody know?
oh, sound and video via hdmi is really important for me.. Maybe i shouldnt go with the clevo version then?
Because when i format my computer and install latest 5850m drivers i wont get DP/HDMI working. I have to install the DP/HDMI drivers from Dell Alienware page. -
Yes, I tried this. I can try it again during the next days, I haven't tried it with the 11.4 drivers yet (as far as I remember, haha), only with the eurocom drivers (and Dell audio DP/HDMI drivers installed) and it didn't work.
When I need 5.1 always use the two headphone jacks and the mic jack... works perfect for me. -
*M15X + 6970* Anyone thinking of trying when they come out?
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by JohnnyFlash, Mar 1, 2011.