Hey folks. I just recently put my new 5850 mobility card in over my 240M, and while the difference is certainly noticeable, it just isn't quite reaching the perfect framerates for the games I'm expecting.
Also, it seems my system's quite a bit more cocky than it should be. It will always auto-adjust my settings when first turning on a game to extremely good settings, but then won't be able to keep above 40 fps in games like Assasin's Creed Brotherhood. I also can't keep Shattered Horizon at a reasonable framerate at native res (1600x900) with the lowest settings.
So the short end of my post is that I'm looking to overclock the card and am wondering, seeing as I have ZERO knowledge of OC'ing, what you guys would recommend? Any precautions I should take? Any particular programs you would have me use? What are safe speeds?
First you need the AMD clock tool and OCCT. The clock tool can change your clocks, and OCCT is very important for testing stability.
use the tools Johnny mentioned above.
i would also recommend some sort of monitoring software to monitor temps, just to make sure they're not getting out of control... generally staying < 90*C
is a good guidline.
as for "safe" clocks, generally 5850's can reach 5870 speeds without problems... so that's 700 core, 1000 memory.
going above that (or sometimes reaching it) MAY require a voltage boost (which requires a vcard bios edit and flash)
try those first and see.
oh for monitoring software, i like to use hwinfo32 -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
You might also like the newly released TriXX Tweak Utility from Sapphire. Download version 3.0.5 Beta from here: Sapphire Technology - TriXX Tweak Utility. Click on the Overclocking tab and use the sliders to adjust clock settings. You might start with 700/1000. Use GPU-Z to confirm the settings. Download TechPowerUp GPU-Z v0.5.3 | techPowerUp.
Then if you're satisfied with your clocks you'll need the AMD Bios editor version 1.25. There's a tutorial on how to do this that was posted awhile back. Be absolutely sure of your clocks first though.
flash your bios
I'm using TRIXX to OC my 5850 and I'm happy with 690/1000 GPU Voltage 1000
I shouldn't have to up my voltage with that little clock speed increase right?
I want to use RBE to flash my bios but I dont know how to, can anyone teach me?
I've read that I should only mess with the 00 and 01 values NOTHING else.
Since I dont know what I'm doing and I dont want to brick my GPU any help would be appreciated. -
Thanks for the info guys.
On the other side, are these speeds for my card (without overclocking) even the speeds that the card should be getting paired with an i7 @ 720? Is there a website/thread that will show me what games I should be able to run flawlessly with this setup? I'm a stickler for 60 fps, and I'm just not able to get it with many of my games.. -
I've been looking for a thread like this! Ive noticed that amd clock tool will not return to idle clocks (for me they are 150/100 or something like that) when im done with a 3d application (they will just stay at whatever i set them at) any idea how i can automate this?
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Flashing the Dell 5850M video card:
Note: Proceed at your own risk. Improper flashing or incompatible or improperly modified vbios files can result in damaging your video card or rendering it inoperable.
Step 1: Download the following files:
1. HP USB Key Utility: HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool - v2.1.8 Download - EXTREME Overclocking
2. Windows 98 system files: Windows 98 System Files Download - EXTREME Overclocking
3. ATIFlash files: Download ATIFlash 3.86 | techPowerUp
4. ATI Radeon Bios Editor (ATI RBE): Download TechPowerUp Radeon Bios Editor v1.26 | techPowerUp
Step 2: Create a Bootable USB Drive
1. Install the HP USB Key Utility
2. Extract the Windows 98 System Files to a convenient location, i.e., c:\Utilities\Win98Files.
3. Launch the HP USB Key Utility and do the following:
- Insert your USB thumb drive.
- Select File system as "FAT32"
- Select Format Option as "Create a DOS bootable Disk..."
- Check "Quick Format"
- Specify the folder/directory used for the Win98 files.
- Format the USB key using the Win98 files.
4. Extract files from atiflash_386.zip and copy to the USB stick.
Step 3: Retrieve Original VBIOS
1. Insert USB stick (Assure that system is on AC power.)
2. Reboot.
3. Press F12 at the Boot/Alienware Logo screen.
4. Select "Boot from USB"
5. At the Command Prompt, type "atiflash -s 0 1stVbios.rom” (no quotes) to save a copy of your card's original vbios to the USB stick.
6. Reboot to Windows 7.
Step 4: Edit the VBIOS
1. Extract and launch RBE v1.26 (single file; no installation needed)
2. Click on Load Bios (bottom left), navigate to the USB stick and select 1stVbios.rom.
3. Click on Clock Setting tab (top).
4. Modify the settings in "Clock info 00" only. These are the boot/3d clocks used by your 5850M. For example, type 700 into the GPU(Mhz) box and leave the RAM(Mhz) at 1000 to set clocks to 5870M levels. Modify Voltage(V) as desired, but initially do not exceed 1.05v, which is my default setting.
5. Save the modified vbios to a new file on the USB stick. It is useful to use the clock settings in the file name, i.e. 700_1000.rom, to differentiate from later vbios files. These are DOS files and must follow the DOS 8.3 naming convention - file name limited to 8 characters with up to 3 character extension.
6. Exit RBE.
Step 5: Flash the new VBIOS
1. Reboot from the USB stick. (Assure that system is on AC power.)
2. At the DOS prompt, type "atiflash -p 0 700_1000.rom" (no quotes) and press Enter.
3. Allow time for the flash -- DO NOTHING until instructed to reboot to complete the flash and returned to the DOS prompt.
4. Remove USB stick and reboot into Windows.
5. You're done. Use GPU-Z to confirm the new Default Clocks.
Props to Mandrake, WhiteWizard, Joker5150, Quadzilla, DR650SE, JStarnino, Inap, DaneGRClose and others who came before. -
You can also use GPU-Z to get the vbios (actually that's the recommended method of the RBE creators).
Also this is a good read: Tutorial on how to use RBE (Radeon BIOS Editor) | techPowerUp
Edit: Here's the latest version of RBE: http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/1962/TechPowerUp%20Radeon%20Bios%20Editor%20v1.28.html
BTW, very nice summary Rev! -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Have you tested RBE v1.28? RBE v1.27 did not work properly with the 5800 Series cards, but I have not tried v1.28.
Edit: Based on a quick look, v1.28 seems to work fine with the 5850/5870M. -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
With either OverDrive or TriXX, an overclocked 5850M will automatically downclock to 2d clocks (usually 100/150) when the 3d app is finished, but with TriXX the voltage remains at the 3d setting. Vbios based on Dell A02 with Cat 11.4 Preview drivers.
The Revelator
Thank you so much for your help!
+rep my good man
Is there like a flashbios tweak to up my clock speed on my processor?
I know there's throttlestop but is there a more permanent way of doing it? -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Not exactly, but you can accomplish essentially the same thing by using ThrottleStop. With TStop turned off (Monitoring Only), set your turbo multipliers as desired, i.e., try 27-26-20-20 for now, and set TDP/TDC as appropriate, i.e., 75W/65A and click Save. Then click Options and select (check) (a) Do Not Reset FID/VID on Exit and (b) Start Minimized, and then OK to return to main screen, click Save if available and exit. Then create a shortcut to TStop and drag it into the Startup folder. TStop will run automatically when Windows starts and set your 920xm to the chosen settings. Be careful with your settings.
I OC'd my 5850 from 625/1000 (factory settings) to 700/1000 and didn't really see any difference. Is there a way to test if there actually is a difference when gaming?
Thank again The Revelator,
Yeah I was asking you in perticular because we pretty much have the same set up, and your more experienced then I am so I'll just do what you do.
Anyways if I were to do that you said, what exactly do I accomplish?
You can do like a show_fps in games and see if the FPS changes from your default stock clocks, to your new clock speeds. Other than that bro you can just run a GPU benchmark and compare it with the stock clocks on the 5850 -
Also that card slot we have on the right side of out laptop can we put a usb 3.0 port in there?
I'm trying to look for an esata external HD but no luck on newegg or tigerdirect anyone find one? -
Edit: I just tried it with UAC activated... didn't work, not even an UAC window appeared... hmm. -
I have been using my 5850 at 750/1050 and never seeing temps over 74
@The Rev: Maybe you should add that the name of the vbios mustn't be longer than eight characters (excluding the extension). It's a DOS thing... it won't find the file when the name is longer.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
The UAC limitation is a good catch. It is not activated on my M15x, so I didn't consider it. I don't use the Throttlestop automatic start shortcut myself and don't recommend it as a general proposition; I was just responding to an inquiry about how to auto o/c the CPU.
I assumed everyone knew about the 8.3 DOS naming limitations. You're probably right that some don't. Thanks. -
I'm more satisfied with this new setup of 700/1000, and have until now just been manually switching it in Sapphire TRIXX from 625 to 700, and then switching it back to 625 after I'm done gaming. Is there a reason why I have to flash my BIOS, or can I just continue doing what I'm doing whenever I want to play?
I don't at all understand or have any knowledge of BIOS's, so.. I really have no idea what you guys are talking about when you say to flash/change it. Will manually using the Sapphire utility harm my card? -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Not at all, iGrendei. The main reason to flash your card has been to increase the voltage and/or to automate o/c settings. You can use Overdrive or profiles in TriXX to accomplish the auto o/c at startup or for one click o/c thereafter. Generally speaking, you will not need additional voltage for a 5850M until your core setting gets to around 825-850, but cards can vary significantly. You can even adjust voltage now in TriXX, though I'm still playing with that. Short answer, no you do not need to flash if you don't mind setting your o/c clocks manually or through profiles.
flashing your GPU's BIOS will makes your changes permanent so you dont have to rely on a third-party program to change the clock speeds of your GPU.
It's what I did flashed my GPUs BIOS and I'm running at 700/1000 right now. So if I were to reformat my computer, I'll still be able to retain 700/1000 clocks.
Damn The Revelator beat me to it... -
@OP: Flashing is a very comfortable way of overclocking as long as you make sure that your card can easily handle the altered clocks. But you have to take some time to read through the tutorials and make yourself comfortable with the needed software and commands before doing it.
But it's really not as difficult as it sounds. -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Voltage o/c in TriXX is working very nicely for me. My 5850m's (current) default clocks are 625/1000/1.05v from a previous flash; using TriXX, I have so far been able to o/c to 930/1100/1.15v from within Windows. It also includes highly customizable GPU fan control for the 5850m, which is quite effective. I experienced some voltage resetting earlier, but the most recent beta version (3.0.7, it's what you get if you download "v4.0" from the TriXX home page) has apparently eliminated that issue, at least for me. Have to say, TriXX is by far the best, most flexible GPU overclocking utility I've seen for the 5850m. It almost makes overclocking too easy. Sapphire Technology - TriXX Tweak Utility
Thanks guys, this forum is easily one of the most helpful and newbie-friendly places on the web. I've kept it OC'd at 700/1000 and it's pretty satisfying so far.
Rev, keep up the good work man. It's easy to see you're very passionate about this hobby and you're ALWAYS so friendly and helpful whenever I have silly issues or questions such as this. I'm off to play some Bulletstorm!
Miscellanious question however: when I close the lid of the laptop to leave, after replacing my videocard the lights on the keyboard and touchpad don't turn off... What do I do? -
I'd download the latest software version on Alienware CC, that will update your keyboard firmwire, I'd start with that first.
Here's a link to make it easier Drivers & Downloads
That's for windows 7 64 bit
Looking to OC my 5850 to get expected results
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by iGrendei, Apr 8, 2011.