My mx15 is 6 month old configured with a ati 5850 i5 540. Nothing has been over clocked and while i play starcraft 2 or crysis 2 the system overheat and shut itself down. Then i have to wait a couple minute to restart it and if i try to play again it shut down. I am about to call alienware technical service and see what they can do. I never had any trouble until now. Is there anything i should be aware of before talking to a rep?
Oh yeah my fan are working full speed when this occur.
Get GPUZ and find out how hot it's getting!
Sorry, forgot to put a link.
Good luck,
Here's a link to HWINFO32 - it will provide you with information on CPU temps as well as GPU temps - and fan status: -
have you done any cleaning, like blowing out the vents and fans with compress air?
yep, first step would be to check temps, both in idle and when gaming.
We can take it from there to try and solve your issue. -
Ok i am getting those things and checking it out
I also cleaned the fan with dust air poo.
In crysis 2 game the running cpu temps is 65 C and max is 71C
and the 5850 gupz temp is avg 70C max 85C -
Joe -
Yeah those temps sound sweet to me! I'm no expert though. I'm guessing that you checked the temps after cleaning? Would've been nice to have a before and after comparison, might make it easier for some of the masterminded users here to determine whether your problem is dust or something more sinister.
I believe there's a VBIOS update available for your card on the Dell site. You may want to try applying the update if you haven't done so already. It may help.
Edit: Here's the link: -
It hasnt locked down since but my Wife played farmville on facebook and started to see artifact .... awesome!
Anyways, I doubt very much Farmville is stressing your system as much as Crysis 2 More likely is the flash coding isn't totally optimized and the plugin hits a bump every now and then.
Laptop overheating
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by silvermana, Apr 12, 2011.