Hey. I dunno if any of you experienced this, but I tend to be dropped in sc2 after a random amount of time. It only happens when I run skype, and it seems that the more people are in the conversation, the easier I drop.
I tried reinstalling skype and made sure I had the newest version.
It never happens when I use VT.
That's probably because of your internet connection. It seems that your upload speed is not sufficient, there's not enough bandwith to upload the game data and the voice... the more people you talk to with skype the more bandwith you need.
Most providers are really cheap about upload speed. Make a speedtest to see what your upload is, e.g. speedtest.net -
Hmm.. Never actually thought about that
You might be right. I only have 1mbit upload, so it might stress the conection a tad too much.
But have you got any sugestions as to why vt with the same amount of people never does it? -
Sry, what's vt? Irdk...
1 megabit should be sufficient... maybe skype uses too much bandwith, you could try using mumble for example, perfect voice quality and really low bandwith usage. -
I think vt is for Ventrilo.
Yeah.. vt is Ventrilo.. Sry that
Ok, yes... this indicates that skype uses to much bandwith. Like I said, see whether there is an option to lower the quality in skype, or just use ventrillo, as it seems to work fine with this.
Thanks a lot.
I will see if it has that feature, or I will just use vt for the future
Thanks for your time and help -
ventrilo is different in that it (usually) is hosted by a dedicated server
skype does not
skype requires the person hosting a conversation (with multiple ppl) to have a LOT of outgoing bandwidth since whenever a person speaks, it has to send the data to everyone listening at the same time.
ventrilo/mumble/teamspeak 3 are all great gamer voip software, and all 3 have dedicated servers you can pay per month. -
So this would mean that I only need the high upload if im the host of the call? (using skype)
Ya if you are the host, it uses more bandwidth. But your speed is sufficient for this. May be, you should use yahoo voice chat like I do.. It's super good while gaming with your buddies.
Laggs out in sc2 while running skype
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Kratzen, May 1, 2011.