Hey guys
How do I find what version bios Im running?
A few games like crysis 2 and oddly enough doom 3 sort of jerk when my character looks around.
Does bios improve the performance of the CPU and gpu? I have no idea what bios is!
Can somebody help me on this?
Use CPU-z, go to mainboard tab and see bios like A0*
while being up to date always helps
nothing is really going to help u more than tweaking down your settings -
AIDA64 can also do this
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Or F2 at the boot screen.
Hey guys, just a quick update...
I was on a03 now I've updated to A09.also that did not stop the stuttering movements in games but I found a solution!!!!!!!
It's the stupid lame trackpad.one of the worst trackpads to grace a laptop in history! All I did was insert a 360 wired controller in and the games were running smooth as hell,then I unplugged it and found the same problem with the track pad, so I inserted a mouse and the games worked perfectly.
Stupid trackpad!!!!! -
wait you were playing the games without a mouse?
using the trackpad? -
^^Someone had to ask trackpad gaming?
Hey! I do it from time to time!
I use a gamepad to play... and sometimes, I need a mouse I don't have: so touchpad! -
BTW, AIDA64 is a great software!
How do I find out what bios I'm on
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by m11xgod, Aug 6, 2011.