So disappointed
A week ago I bought a new 7970m. Installed it. Worked pretty good. Today while playing farcry3 the screen goes black and I get the glitch sound and have to power down. When trying to turn the laptop on again I get those lines and pixels all over the screen. I get to the login screen also covered in lines. I try to login but the machine lags and chokes and eventually I get the blue screen.
What in the world happened? My temps were fine ever since installing the card.
have you tried to uninstall the driver ? usually lines and artifacts indicate bad overclock or overheating, but if you say the temps are fine try to uninstall the driver and reinstall or try another driver for the card. hope you get it resolved.
I can boot in to safemode though. I don't know what to do. -
Try to reiinstall drivers, if that doesnt work, consider reinstalling windows and/or try the card in another laptop/reseating it in your laptop(no dust on the connecting points with the mobo) etc, since you installed it last week it could fix you rproblem.
Yes that should point to a driver issue. Uninstall the driver in Control Panel, sweep it, run ccleaner and clean the registry, boot into safe mode and repeat sweeper and ccleaner. Reboot normally and install the AMD driver.
There is only one registry which is specific to ur laptop based off what u have installed. Properly uninstall the driver in safe mode, boot normally and install a stable driver
Thanks for the help guys. I uninstalled the driver, ran driver sweper, and ccleaner. Reinstalled amd drivers. However when I would restart the laptop inbetwen sweeps I would get a command box saying Nvidia y/n. I always chose No since I'm running 7970. But now when restarting I just get a black screen after the windows start up animation. It just stays black nothing happens.
I've never seen that happen going from green to red team. Could be that the files werent fully removed. As a last resort you could reinstall your OS as a clean install.
The card was seriously working fine ever since install. It was just this one time playing FC3 I got the weird freeze glitch and now everything is messed up. I'm able to uninstall the driver and all. But whenever I boot up without driver I get the command box asking Nvidia, are you sure? Y/N. This never happened before. There must be something left from nvidia. But I've sweeped the laptop multiple times and made sure nothing Nvidia remains. But it also doesn't make sense that out of nowhere this happens. I'm also still getting strange glitchy pixelizations on startup that won't go away.
I'm going to attempt installing the amd drivers again.
Could this possibly be an issue with the physical cards placement? Should I open up the laptop and reseat the whole thing? -
Alright I just tried pulling my 7970m out. Reseated. Repasted. Evsrrything and now when I turn the laptop on screen is just black with the scroll and caps lights blinking. I really need help. I don't get what's going on. And I have clients for my work that need things from my laptop. Should I try putting my gtx460m back in?
Please excuse typos. Using my shot phone. -
Scroll and caps lights blinking suggests the GPU is DOA. Sounds like you have a faulty card. I just attempted to put mine in too and received the same greeting from my m15x, I'm RMA'ing it to upgrademonkey for a replacement. I'd put the 460m back in your laptop until you can source a replacement. Sorry
Help GPU messed up
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Lambda808, Jan 4, 2013.