Hi all,
So, I took my M15X into my local techs today, a friend says their reliable, I'm trusting of this friend.
Anyway, i purchased a used 920XM last Friday and it came this Monday.
I was having it upgraded from an i7-740QM to i7-920XM.
it was taken apart as per the service manual and the CPU swapped as it should.
When the computer is turned on, it starts up as it should; fans starting, hard-drive spinning, but nothing on-screen along with nothing on-screen if it's connected to an external monitor.
What could this mean and what solutions could there be?
My tech is going to keep it for another day to look at, otherwise we'll swap back to the i7-740QM.
The 920XM was in good condition, no pins bent, nothing unusual or the likes.
Thank-you in advance.
Remove the battery/charger, and hold power button for about 30 seconds and see if that fixes it. If not remove the cmos battery for a minute or so then plug it back in and see if that helps.
I'll go through and make sure all cables are connected properly and nothing is loose... -
Try reseating the CPU happened to me once with the same exact symptom
Did you remember to turn the screw lock on the CPU bracket?
So, all the above has been trialed, and the best guess is that the CPU was DOA... Which I'm kinda surprised about.
My tech will try to source a 920xm for me...
Anyway, the CPU is still within its 7 day warranty period from eBay. Hopefully the seller sticks to his word.
Hell, I even did an "opening" video just in case. (I heard refunds from eBay could only be administered with proof of it being opened and not damaged ect...)
Cheers all. -
I wish you the best of luck
- Im in kinda the same position with a faulty HD7970m...
This is actually the first time I heard of an intel processor dead
, hope you dont get any problem with the seller and you get an easy refund.
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
It could be the Video card also, try reseating it.
We got the 920XM to work! however the laptop would not charge with it in.
The brick had power to it (the blue ring) however the alien head power button did not light up blue nor did it indicate it was charging onscreen.
I replaced the 740QM and all is working again.
We tried reseating the 920XM, however it came to the same result.
I haven't a clue as to the issue.
I have sent it back to whom I have purchased it from.
We haven't a clue as to why it would not charge?
Could anyone offer any advice?
I'm considering to sell the M15X and purchase a used M17X r3 for $730 AUD.
ANYWAY... I'm off topic.
920 didn't work all that well, which was a pain. Any insight would be appreciated. 920Xm wasn't dead!!! Hazzah! But I haven't the time to tinker to get it to work at the moment... Being the holiday season it is extreamly busy; so I'm going to get a refund.
Either I wait and see if I can chase down another 920, or sell my M15X to build a desktop (which I don't exactly have room for) or I buy this used M17X r3 which is at a similar price as to what the going rate for a M15x is selling for; with a the added bonus 2 drives and a 580M with CUDA for After Effects... Plus a higher giggilyhurts and cache for 3D rendering... -
Hey t-ravisty, be careful on gumtree. I'm guessing you are referring to the same laptop that i saw for $730 on there. In the last month alone i've dealt with such crap sellers trying to sell laptops that don't match the description at all or don't even have the laptop or just straight up scams. Also, I know this is off topic, but if you are serious about selling your M15x let me know (just pm me or something). I'm in melbourne too.
But yes, I know what you mean! I have been screwed over on Gumtree when purchasing y Razor Mamba, it was about $80 cheaper than in-store, so I took the leap. It was listed as "new", however had been opened and had an issue with jitter... I took it into JB, with the reciept that came with it and got a brand new one... Still the hassle of going to JB but.
PM sent.
HELP: M15X i7-920XM upgrade, nothing showing onscreen.
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by T-ravisty, Dec 19, 2012.