Hi Guys, im having a little problem here started few days back. Im sure i had the hardware acceleration enabled in flash option and the video was playing well. But then it started to be completely green now, though i can still hear the sounds. Not only youtube, but other videos through google chrome. Tried IE9 and still same. I had to disable the hardware acceleration in order to view the video.
So im wondering, is this something wrong with my graphics card?
Info: I had flash player updated to latest
Google chrome updated to latest.
GFX card ATI 5850 - Driver Packaging Version 8.85-110419a-118909C-ATI
Driver version 11.5
Any help appreciated ^^.
Edit, also noticed my youtube vids have kindda like stammering for 1 sec, usually mid video. Worrying that gfx may be dying -
I had the green screen issue until I disabled the hardware acceleration, but I don't have a stammering issue.
Stup*d insight, did you try a different ATI driver version? An old one?
Turn off hardware acceleration. You don't need it.
Nothing is wrong with your GPU, I'm pretty sure it's just a glitch with flash. -
Had the same troubles. Disabling the hardware acceleration direclty in flash fixed the trouble. Permanent fix for me was updating the driver (don't remember which one 'fixed' this trouble).
Green Youtube Videos
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Indiran, Aug 7, 2011.