As title say's
i got a secondhand m15x where the Alien FX dint work so i looked on the web for solutions and yes i found one. for this you have too reprogram the chip that contains the info (drivers) for Command Center with will be erased as you install a previeus you all know by now the lights will stop working. Bought a programmer and started reading this Link
On page 33 you find all you will need follow that and it works..........if it give's a "Chassis error" or thema not supported just remove the thema from C:\Users\Username\Documents\AlienFX\Themes. this all worked for me and i now have 2 m15x
pathfindercod Notebook Virtuoso
That's cool man! Good job!
So you bought one of the programmers and all that? -
yep i did .......really cheap as well 13
pathfindercod Notebook Virtuoso
Nice! I need to order one to have, just in case...
Got my Alien FX working again after cc update former owner
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by mike26668, Jan 29, 2015.