My lap specs are in my signs.. pretty good for counter strike source! (Basic game!!!)
when i start game after starting my pc, it freezes like hell!! like stealth mode is on!! after exiting the game and then restarting it works fine!! (only when throttle is on..) if i close throttle it works as if stealth mode is on!! but its always off!!!!!
please guys help me!
make sure the gfx card is not overheating is the first call i would look into. coretemp is a good free program to check them.
yes.... gpu temp is around 55 and cpu temp is around 60-67.. i am really fed up!!! pls guys help me! i am getting fps of 11..
check nvidia driver is not causing a issue, next time to feel like the systems entered stealth mode, unplug it from the mains, and reconnect it see if it clears it.
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
Here is also some advice from the Alienware Gaming Services to increase performance. Is it happening only on that game?
I have the same issue... This week I have had problems with my m15x. When I play games the screen freezes for about 5 seconds (which is a lot of time in a fast game) and then the game plays again. It has become very annoying.. The CPU temperature is around 74C when I game and the GPU is around 85C. I don't understand why it is starting to do this... I played all of my games fine before, but this week it just freezes randomly... PLEASE HELP ME
clean ur heatsink... i got replacement of my mobo, gpu and its cool now.. i even upgraded my cpu.. but after upgrading i am having same problem again!!
Game Freezing issue!
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by yogesh12, Oct 6, 2012.