It seems that the M15x is really getting a video card upgrade! for NBR/13a80c59.png?t=1288082962
I just hope it's true, that means all you need is a BIOS update to support these new Nvidia cards!
But I'm not holding my breath -
Yeah,especially when GTX 460m isn't far better than 5870/5850
I'm just wondering when will it come to Hong Kong.We still don't have the new XPS on the Hong Kong website. -
Out of curiosity I went to DELL's Japan site and low and behold it's there
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260MはCPUのCore i7選択時のみ、選択が可能です。
NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) GTX 460M 1.5GB GDDR5 [+19,425円]
ATI Mobility Radeon(TM) HD 5730 1GB GDDR3 [価格に含まれます]
ATI Mobility Radeon(TM) HD 5850 1GB GDDR5 [+4,725円]
Copy and pasted from phone so forgive the quality
This is a very good thing!HA!
Linky! -
alvinkhorfire Notebook Consultant
Great, I have just bought M15x . If I had waited a little longer to buy the notebook, I would have chosen GTX 460M over ATI HD 5850.
I avoided GTX 260M to prevent GPU throttling issues. Then again, I hope that GTX 460M will not have the same problem.
It seems like the GTX 460M is quite expensive. Needs some comment from experts here. -
This website has something that you might want to see
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M - Tech -
The question is: will it be able as an after market upgrade
I'd rather get the 5850 for +$50 than get the 460 for +$200. Not really worth the price difference. At least for now.
Price aside I'm hoping to add a 470M GTX in a machine if it's doable( should be if it supports the 460M)
Ive read that the 460m isn't much, or any, better than the 5850 and the 470m is only a little better. i hope that they are stronger than they sound.
wow finally
yeah if i look at the price the upgrade cost $238 for gtx 460 and ati 5850 is $58. I rather spend the $150 difference on SSD or Screen or other upgrades where you will see a big jump. Right now you are able to OC the 5850 very high and get no throttling i am not to sure of the gtx 460 and how the power draw is especially once you start OC the cards. This is good to know since this means a GPU refresh is ahead for both m15x and m17x
Wooooo! Now for that bios upgrade and to start searching for an aftermarket 470m...
Having used both cards extensively i would say stick with the ATI card unless you have a specific need for the Nvidia card ..
If they were both the same price it would be a little tougher but at those prices? stick with ATI ... -
Yeah but Physx and cuda 3.2. Plus they seem to perform better under DX11 with extreme tessellation. Plus the 470m seems a heck of lot beefier than the 460m at the same power consumption so it gets my nod. Now on to the hunting...
stevenxowens792 Notebook Virtuoso
Tessellation = Nvidia Sales Gimmick! How many times do you look at a dx11 with "Tessellation" vs Dx10. They look almost 100 percent the same. No reason for a 40 to 50 percent performance hit. If you want a 460m fine, but compare dx10 performance to the 5850 or 5870 and then tell me what results you get. They are either equal or the 5850/70 on top.
Sorry, not buying the "Tess" marketing ploy.
Best Wishes, StevenX -
Yeah I guess it is a marketing ploy but the demos on the uniengine heaven benchmark show a big difference. Sure DX9/10 have parrallax occlusion mapping but I like to keep up to date. I'm not bashing the Ati because they are great but I'm just an Nvidia guy, what can I say (shrugs).
460 seems to be Ok, the real deal would be the 470m ,
are there any benchmarks of this second gpu?? -
No only a few resellers have outfitted themselves with it. Eurocom have it in their Cougar and Sager in their W860cu equivalent. Benchmarks should be coming soon...hopefully.
Definitely interesting. I'm more interested to see what type of BIOS changes they make, since the GTX 460 has been confirmed now.
Would love to get Dell to replace my 260m, I need Nvidia for stuff but would like a better card!
DO you guys think it would be possible to get them to upgrade it because of the throttling? -
no since bios A08 fixed it
But, where is the 470M!?!??! -
I'll try to fry it some how, I'll OC while its covered in a towel lol
Eurocom has the pricing wrong. the GTX 470M is +$425 over the Mobility 5870.
you'd be crazy to think that's a good deal.
Just wait for the Mobility 6800 series. -
Anyway though, this is AWESOME news-literally exactly what I was hoping to hear. I've got an unopened Asus G73jw, but I don't know, I want to support Dell and U.S. based support, and plus the G73's box claims the screen has mercury, which it shouldn't if it's really LED backlit. Some people on the Asus forums claim Asus has been using bad thermal paste that wears out or something too.
Sooooooo if this is in the Japanese store, presumably it's only a matter of days (weeks at worst?) before it hits here, and then...well given the choice I think I want to go Dell -
Well with my 920xm It still doesn't feel as smooth as it should in games, I haven't check for sure with gpuz but I still use rivatuner to lock the clocks otherwise its to slow.
Dang, so that's definetly NOT fixed. *sigh* I wonder if the 1.73GHz CPU + the 260 throttles? And of course I don't know whether the 460 would be better or worse for that condition-hopefully better, but...
Can't find an official reference to TDP. The 460 is built on a 40nm process down from 55, though of course has more hardware. I found one thing claiming a rumored 72 watt TDP "similar" to the 5870 (the 260's is 75 watts). Of course people have speculated that they don't all use power the same, and however the 260 used it, the combination of that and the CPU caused throttling.
Hopefully at least a 1.73GHz CPU plus GTX 460 will run okay (way to convince people NOT to buy upgrades Dell!) -
Well put, I was gonna get the Ati card but need nvidia for 3D, which it goes a great job, but in gaming it could be better especially after how much it costs.
i have the 940xm + 5850 and have no problems. no gpu throttling at all.
i'm using both 150 and 240 adapter, both gave me the same results.
alvinkhorfire Notebook Consultant
I also have a 920xm with the 5850, and no longer experience any throttling with the 150w psu. I havent ran any software to confirm this, but the frame rate never drops, and its so much better than my old gtx 260m.
DaneGRClose Notebook Virtuoso
The adaptor inap has is a Dell Unit that came with an m17x I had that I sold to him a while back, the bios would have to be modified to be able to use anything above a 150w and that modification would have to be done by Dell unless someone knows how to hack, reprogram, and recompile the bios.
Grr...checked both the M15x and M17x this morning and no Geforce 4x0 cards! Come on Dell, let me give you my money!
I want them to hurry up so I can start arguing with them to swap my card lol!
if im not mistaken there were some special offers that end on 28 oct, mostly giving free GPU upgrade.
so it wouldnt surprise me if tomorrow or a few days later me start to see new options when building the m15x -
PLEEEEEASE Dell! I really want to get a Dell and not risk this G73jw!
It should be out soon, now when will it be available in Canada is another story.
PLEASE! Grr, I'm so close to just opening this G73...I mean I need to know, it's just been sitting here for a week :-/
Don't open it, as soon as the bios is out, I'm heading over to Eurocom, they seems to have the 470m listed there for ~$350 in the part upgrade section.
Eurocom will not honor that price, Just call and you'll see.
GTX 460M for M15x spotted on Dell Japan!
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by goha01, Oct 26, 2010.