Since getting my M15x I've used the display port -> hdmi fairly often and I had it setup nicely so that it was on the left hand side as an extended desktop, which was ideal, when I connected it up and powered on the TV my wallpaper appeared on the screen as usual.
However I've not used this for a couple of weeks, and I have tried a few times this week and it now appears to be defaulting to be a duplicate of the LT screen, and when I do set it for an extended desktop its also moving the desktop icons over rather than keeping them on the LT as it used to.
It's not remembering the fact that I change it to the extended desktop mode (I can live with the icons moving).
Does anyone know how to change this default behavior, I've not updated my graphics drivers, but service pack 1 may have been installed since I last used the external display.
Specs: M15x, i5 M430, GeForce 240M, Win 7 SP1
Sp1 probably defaulted your screen preferences. Right click on desktop and change it back.
I already have several times, both via the control panel and using the Win+P shortcut, the problem it reverts back to duplicate when disconnected and reconnected (or simply turned on and off).
External Display Defaults
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by PLUSTAR, Jul 9, 2011.