Hi everyone, on my M15X there is some dust that is stuck under the screen I read the suggestions on the forum that I found but nothing worked.
I also read about having dell replace the panel do I just call them up and say there is dust under the screen that I can not clean off? There is a tech that should be here to replace my wifi card in a day or two should I just mention it to him or should I just leave it alone for now and not risk getting a display that might be worse?
yah they will replace the screen
open a new ticket for the screen -
Just quick feedback.. if your system is older than six months, DELL will not replace your screen.. they claimed that this does not qualify as a malfunction therefore only paid support is the only way.
So for what am I paying for three years of warranty??? Crap!! :-/
Will see if by calling a different day I can convince DELL to replace my screen.
Cheers!! -
That's total BS from your tech guy. As long as you have warranty they will replace it with little trouble. The only thing that is time sensitive with or without extended warranty is your battery (which is under warranty for 1 year only).
Dust Under M15X Screen
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by zhany, Oct 25, 2010.