I upgraded to windows 8 a while back and for the most part I actually like it. I have continuously gotten this error though, which forces a restart. Thankfully it does not happen SUPER OFTEN, but it does happen enough to annoy me and I really don't want the canned answer of " Go back to Win 7 duh!?" How do I track down the offending driver? It gives me no other info than Driver_Expool_Corrupted at blue screen and restarts. Upon coming back up, I would normally expect an error report but see none.
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
What's the file that's causing it?
Sorry for late reply. I have no idea. I don't know where the log is dumped to track it down.
Ok so I stopped being lazy and dug to find the .dmp files. Apparently ntoskrnl.exe is the main cause of my crashes. A few others have shown up but the ntoskrnl.exe is the most prevalent. Isn't that the win 8 kernel? Should I just do a complete reset?
Driver Corrupted Expool in Win8
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Haramdar, May 28, 2013.