Recently, I installed AlienFx Visuallization Plug-in for Winamp and configured it to work but my Command Center slowly ran into problem, first, It always displays the error message when I change the AlienFX profile, I've reinstalled it 3 times and now, it doesn't work anymore, everytime I open the Command Center, it show me the Error message like in the picture and immediately exit. Have anyone encountered this problem before? is it the Command Center's problem or the problem of the OS? Please, help me :'(
Are you sure you are using the latest command center from Dell's site?
Is AlienFX working?
EDITED Post: I suggested previously that clearing the CMOS will clear the AlienFX chip. This is not the case as I originally thought. Clearing the CMOS (by unplugging the coin cell battery) will NOT reset the AlienFX controller. Thanks to Maxslo for correcting me. I apologize for this error on my part.
Last edited: May 18, 2016 -
Are you sure you cleared the CMOS? Did your time and date in the BIOS reset?
From what you said i can tell that your AlienFX chip is ok, so we can move on to assuming it's a software error...
I'd like you to try this:
1. Uninstall Command Center
2. Reboot
3. Install .Net framework (link)
4. Reboot
5. Install Command Center -
I could be wrong about clearing the cmos but everytime I've removed the coin cell when working on the machine, it resets every color to blue until you start windows and command center loads your last saved profile, so I assumed that clearing the cmos also resets the alienfx lighting.
Also, I recently changed the motherboard and had some problems with AlienFX (the power button wouldn't light up). It turns out that the AlienFX chip on the new motherboard had an older firmware on it and since I didn't reinstall the OS and Command Center it didn't update the controller to the latest firmware. I decided to remove and reinstall Command Center, and upon the reinstall, a message popped up saying something about the firmware being updated. Problem was resolved after that.
EDIT: Confirmed today that clearing the CMOS does not clear the AlienFX controller. Sorry for the confusion guys.Last edited: May 18, 2016 -
Hmm, don't think that's supposed to happen... the chip should only reset to blue when you reinstall CC
Command Center nolonger working
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by alienisme, May 13, 2016.