Hey guys. So I've run into a strange thing with my M15x again. I have the L-adapter with the center pin out and I've been playing just fine on my 330w psu at 900/1250. My Cpu is set at 24x across the board. Well yesterday I received a new case for my m15x and set about switching the guts over and did so without a hitch. I fired it up without a problem and ran a quick 3dmark11. My card ran 900/1250 and 3.2 ghz on my cpu. I got a Pscore of 7070.
So! Why not over clock now that my temps are very low. I got my cpu temps to max at 77c and my gpu maxed at 68c. Well I tried 1000/1500 and it killed the display driver. I switched to 975/1400 and it killed it again. so finally I did 950/1300 but still the card was unstable at that speed. I dropped it down to 900/1250 and restarted and now my clocks won't go above 450/300. My load will go into the 90's but my speed won't clock up. I tried to figure it out but the last time i ran into this issue I just switched from a 240w to a 330w and that solved the issue. I don't think its a power issue and I didn't damage the card. My temps never peaked higher than 63c.
The only other thing I did was switch my battery out. My old 6-cell wouldn't take a charge so i bought a 9-cell and it wouldn't charge with the 330w which I expected. I switched to the 150w to charge it up and then switched back. That's when I started ocing and after my clocks won't adjust it now doesn't say ac-adapter plugged in but not charging. So it appears to be getting charged now.
Is there way to force clocks to run full speed like k-boost does for nvidia cards? Thanks for any input you guys can provide.
You can try completely removing and reinstalling the amd catalyst driver. Use the uninstaller I linked you before. Also, be sure stealth mode isn't toggled. (The little meter touch button on the top right.)
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Once you have booted up. Toggle stealth mode on. Then off again. Play your games and enjoy full 3D clocks.
I have to do this everytime or I also remain at 450/300 even at load. I think it a great feature though as it keeps temps nice and low when not playing games. 450/300 is plenty for movies and such.
It looks like you got this baby running as it should! The max I can push at 1.05V is 960/1475. Any more voltage and the M15x doesn't like it. Please report back and let us know what you can achieve. Seems VERY similar to the 7970M just with additional vram. -
I got it nice and cool with the Cool Lab Ultra and some new bolts for the gpu so when I get a chance I'm gonna put it at 1.0v and see if I can get some higher clocks. I figured out the problem with my clock speeds. It was the battery. The battery I had before was not functioning so I would plug my adapter in and boom no problems. Well I switched over to the 9cell which give the laptop a great profile and tried to over clock. Apparently something got screwed up from this and the display driver taking a dive 3 times. So I just plugged in my old battery and restarted and boom my speeds are back up. I switched back over to the 9cell and haven't had an issue since.
Alienware-L_Porras Company Representative
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
What voltage you on now? 900/1250 is great for under 1v !!
I can scrape the clocks you have with a volt. I reckon you could easily hit 1000 on the core on this thing at 1.05v and under. Perhaps more! If you can then no wonder amd didn't update the architecture in two years. 1000+MHz is 780m territory.
On the go from my iPod touch
Clock Speed Issue
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by EepoSaurus, Jul 10, 2014.