By the looks of things on CPUID the core clock runs at a meager 50mhz when simply using desktop apps, I know this is to save power etc.
I don't think this is enough, I've mentioned before that I get a far from smooth performance when scrolling around in Google maps, and I'm sure ramping the clock up in this type of environment would help.
Any way it can be done? Is it a case of editing the vBios? If so can someone point me in the direction of a guide that can do this, as I've only ever used Precision and Afterburner.
Thanks All.
Yeah, you would need to modify the vbios to just raise the 2d clocks... though I'm not sure whether it works with the 460m. I tried to overvolt it and wasn't successful, haven't touched the clocks though. Maybe someone with a 460m knows whether you can actually change the clocks in the vbios.
In case it's possible you'd need the latest Nibitor to edit and NVflash to flash the vbios and also a bootable USB stick.
Edit: Haven't used MSI afterburner since I have an AMD card... but doesn't it let you set a 2d profile? -
A vbios in 460M cannot be flashed. I know it sucks.
You can put your card in maximum performance mode via nVidia's Control Center. But this way, the card will run a bit hotter since it is not downclocking itself but it does the trick though.
Can you overclock a 460m running only 2D Clocks?
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by jarvmeister, May 11, 2011.