Alright real quick question guys.
I've noticed ever since I got my m15x I can't change the brightness.
F4 and F5 seem to be the toggle switches and while I can press them and it shows the bar with 7 levels it doesn't do anything to the brightness... is this normal?
I've even tried lowering brightness in Windows settings does nothing.
The only thing that will lower it a bit is when I unplug the power supply.
Is there something really stupid I'm missing? I feel like I should be able to increase and decrease brightness with those 2 buttons..
You should, you may need to upgrade your drivers. I assume you are using nvidia. In which case go to the nvidia site and get the latest beta. They should work.
try reinstalling the osd, but could also be a driver issue
edit widezu is quick today, hahaha -
TheHighlightGuy Notebook Consultant
I'm sure it's a stupid question, but are you pressing the function key (FN) with the F4 or F5?
I think he did it because he said: " shows the bar with 7 levels..."
TheHighlightGuy Notebook Consultant
My bad! Missed that part
Then an OSD reinstall sounds like a great idea, if not a full reinstall -
@Neutral777, which video card do you have?
TheHighlightGuy Notebook Consultant
TheHighlightGuy Notebook Consultant
No problem!
Brightness toggle question
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Neutral777, May 24, 2011.