Hello all.
Being the very silly person I am, I decided to go poking around in my computer's BIOS to see if I could make it faster without doing any form of research beforehand. Initially I went in to make sure Turbo Mode was enabled, but I couldn't resist seeing what else I could do.
Long story short, I changed two options, neither of which I can remember the name of. The first was a simple disable, and it's description said that it increased performance while drastically redusing battery life. The second was an option changing the initial 1.5 volt setting to 1.7 volts.
After saving my new options the computer turned off, and now when I turn it on while puggled in, it gives me a black screen for a few seconds before turning itself off and back on a short while later. When I try to turn it on not plugged in, it simply gives me a black screen.
I feel as though I'm going to have to send this in to get fixed, but any possible solutions anyone might have would be greatly appreciated.
katalin_2003 NBR Spectre Super Moderator
Hello and welcome to NBR!
First try to reset CMOS since it was a successful flash.
Unplug the power cord and remove the system battery.
Unplug the coincell CMOS battery
Keep the power button pressed for ~30 seconds.
This should revert BIOS settings back to default
Put everything back together and give it another try.
If you get the same result you might need to perform a crisis recovery.
http://forum.notebookreview.com/alienware/404987-how-recover-bad-bios-flash-phoenix-bios-only.html -
Pulling the CMOS and resetting the BIOS worked like a charm. everything is fully functional again. I won't be going back into my BIOS again anytime soon.
Thanks a lot, Jason -
katalin_2003 NBR Spectre Super Moderator
Great, good to hear you're up and running again.
In the future, make sure you know what you're doing by documenting yourself first.
Come back any time you have a question regarding your system.
Black screen on startup after messing with BIOS
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by SgtBuzzkilll, Mar 1, 2012.