Around a month ago, I was involved in a serious car accident. During a curvy road by the hill, a car behind clipped my car's rear and made my car spin out-of-control and hit the railings.
As my laptop was in the boot of the car, where the most serious impact occurred, several of its' parts are damaged.
1.Cracked casing at bottom left directly at the lock-hole (not really sure what you call it, but it's the place where people can anchor their laptop to a table like a DEMO unit)
Side view
Bottom view
2.Bent casing near the Dvd-rom unit
Side view
Top view
3.Bent plastic cover behind the display
Side view
4. Internal Damage
I'm currently living in Malaysia, and frankly dell's service here is just horrible, the call Reps here really have no interest in your problems.
When I called up Dell about what they can do about my casing, the technical department pushed me to the sales department, then I was sent back to the technical department again and put on hold for 15minutes, after that my call was hung up.
Tried calling the 2nd day, and asked ''What happened yesterday? Why did the sales department people put me on-hold for 15minutes then hung up on me?''
Sales rep ''Sir, our directory does not indicate that you called yesterday, is it possible you got the wrong number?''
I mean seriously, how could I get the wrong number? I hear the Dell automatic playback etc etc.
Finally I was able to get hold of a technician who came over to my place and checked my laptop, he just shook his head and said ''Your labby's pretty much stuck with that.''
I just wanna know in the States, is it possible to replace the M15x casing for a new one? Or it's just not possible anywhere.
Edit #1 : Problems that are found :
1. Bent Casing
2. Keyboard's function working fine, but alienfx lighting on working on the LEFT and Right part of the keyboard
3. Processor Cooling fan/Passive cooling not running/dented
Edit #2 : Pictures of internal damage uploaded to original post
Otherwise my labtop's working perfectly fine.
Playing SC2 Max settings at 75c
Normal workload around 50-60c
p/s Will keep updated -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
No matter what it's called, I can't use it anymore! T______T
Did you buy accidental damage cover for the laptop? If not then there's nothing that can be done about it, unfortunately.
I don't know much about insurance, but maybe you can make a claim on the other driver's insurance? (assuming it was his fault) I'm not sure if car insurance covers property inside the car as well. -
I checked my warranty status :
1. CompleteCover
2. Part-Only Warranty (POW)
3. Next Business Day on-site (NBD)
4. Priority User Phone Support 24x7
I was told by the Dell Sales Rep that this warranty package covers everything, including spills, dropping, short-circuit and etc.
However when I called Dell up, they say my laptop casing isn't included inside the warranty, because they Can't change it, it's not a changeable part.
The insurance claim only covers my car parts & personal injury, unfortunately my laptop isn't one of them. ;(
So the conclusion dell gave me is :
1. Warranty does not cover
2. They DON'T sell the casing -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Forum guru Inap will be able to provide sources/links to parts suppliers able to provide M15x cases, bases and lids. He has purchased cases primarily to repaint with designer colors and may even have some spare parts himself. If he does not discover this thread soon, send him a PM.
Thanks for the info ^^
Hopefully the supplier for parts does supply it overseas to South-East-Asia regions, if not I'm really screwed.
My disc can't even eject from the inside -.- -
That little opening is indeed a Kensington lock, it's used for example to tie your company laptop to your desk with some special cable with one end to whatever (table) and the other half can be connected to this hole in your notebook. It's basically to prevent theft.
I'd opt for ebay on this one to get replacement parts.
From the pics i think i can make out you have an M15x-r2 (non area-51 model), those parts are not to expensive, you will have it back up and running in no time (note, it does take some work to move the inside of your laptop to a new casing, you will basically have to dismount everything and remount it in the new casing, unless your bottom casing is intact but it doesn't look like that from the pictures. It looks like you would also have to migrate the lcd display to a new casing).
I can't provide links from ebay but i just had a look and for a good 100$ you have all the casing you need to get it in top condition again.
It will save you alot of hastle calling dell, and pray they can help you, while spending alot of cash and tie just for the phonebill already.
Are you sure there is only plastic damage? Some placements of cracks on your casing worry me, have you turned it on yet to see if it functions correctly? -
Dude that is some harsh damage there, are you sure you're hardware is okay? I think you would have to throw the m15x against a wall a few times to do that I'm impressed if the hardware is running ok. I really doubt they cover that sort of damage unless you have accidental cover. Can to claim against the guy who did this through a small court? I don't know what the laws/regulations/insurance is like in Malaysia but you probably could do living here.
this is a link for what complete care covers:
CompleteCare Accidental Damage Service | Dell
and this is a link for ebay bottom panel in silver:
NEW Alienware M15x Grey Bottom Base P/N 2C0ND - eBay (item 320648983873 end time Feb-26-11 12:50:01 PST)
a link for parts-people, they carry a few parts too:
Parts-People - Dell Alienware M15x Laptop Repair Parts
i would first get dell to replace it since you do have accidental damage.
i do have a whole spare case, but its red. i traded my yellow case to a friend. -
Ouch, really sorry to hear that. Im from malaysia too and own 1 of this babe. If it is the driver's fault, ask that guy who hit you to replace it. Breaks me to see it damaged like that. Is it still running normally?
>inap : Thanks man! You've been so helpful! Now i'm weighing my options, calling up dell now to see what can they do for me.
>Indiran : Woo? Fellow malaysian eh? NICE!
Everything's running smoothly, I opened M15x to check :
1. Inner chasing's at perfect condition ( no bent/crack )
2. Hardware's running smoothly (RAM/GPU/CPU)
3. The only problem now is my AlienmFX isn't working on the keyboard, maybe the connection's somehow damaged? And the copper cooling system ontop of my cpu is dented ALOT
P/S : Will post pictures later
And I'll keep you guys updated whether Dell's willing to help me. -
Is that an M15x or m15x?
Edit: nm saw your post history, I couldn't tell by the pics. Dell should replace the case under complete care. People have accidental drops all the time, how else does dell repair their system? I doubt they ship them a mainboard and expect them to run it on cardboard. Well this proves my point about magnesium being brittle when it comes to high impact, I mentioned this to a few people before. -
Wow the lappy still works fine? Must be good design too keep them stable and running inside. How bad was the accident? If lets say an inspiron was in the back rather that the M15x, will the inspiron survive?
The whole back of my car, including a 18'' Sub-woofer's completely mashed. Only my laptop survived, the M15x REALLY REALLY tough i'll give them that.
Inspiron in car? = Mashed potato
P/s : Pics of internal damage uploaded at my 1st post -
If you've paid for complete care, then you deserve it. If you aren't getting it, I would call again - either record the call or get the name of the person you speak with. Dell hire a company to provide phone support and if you aren't getting it - DELL NEED TO KNOW!
So, get records of who you speak to, what number you call etc and then with all serial numbers etc write to a US representative of Dell asking them politely to forward your email to the correct person as you believe you are being treated unfairly as a Dell customer.
This is totally unacceptable if you've paid for a full accidental damage etc.. Of course you shouldn't have to go on ebay etc finding parts. Just because you live where you do, doesn't mean they can treat you like this and the local reps in Malaysia should lose the Dell contract for support/service if they aren't doing a good job.
Speak to a legal person if possible - having and mentioning legal support and legal action is a sure way of getting them to act since you have rights. Don't forget to use them, or they can (and sometimes will) take advantage of you.
Again, can't stress this enough - get names and times, numbers etc.. Keep records of who you speak to and go to legal advice forums as well as posting on sites like this..
Thanks alot, I tried calling Dell today, but because of the Chinese New Year holidays, I have to try again NEXT Week.
I went through the warranty of my notebook, from clauses 3a-3d which states 'any damage occurred without intention blablabla is Covered' I've sent the dell corporate HQ a letter of demand.
Should be getting a reply no later than next week. -
I repeat again if you have accidental damage I don't see why they will not replace it. Is it because how it was damaged? Ring again and tell them it was dropped down some stairs or something. You can't get more accidental than that.
Actually, according to what the people from Dell said, yes. In Malaysia, whenever a road accident happens in public road, the police investigates it, and decides who's fault it was so that insurance claim is possible.
My accident occurred at 'Genting Highlands', which the police told me is a stretch of private road, that's why they can't give a judgement even if it's his ( the owner of the other car) fault.
So basically I can't prove to Dell that, 1. The accident occurred along with my laptop in it 2. That the accident wasn't caused by me and lotsa other stuffs. -
The bottom casing can be changed out, but it will involve you to send the system into the depot to replace it.
My M15x was exchanged a while ago because of many issues, and when I received my replacement one, it had scratches all over the bottom and edges of the casing. I called them and they said they can change it, but it has to be sent into the depot, because of the service tag and windows COA stickers on the bottom. They can only put those stickers on at the depot apparently.
I sent it in, got it replaced and all is good. If you have the premium warranty support (which it looks like you do) then they should replace it under the complete care. No questions asked. -
that's the thing, Dell wants me to go through all these strict procedures, I don't get it what's the point? That I want to cheat them about my laptop? It's just a whole lot of BS that i've been through, and they expect me to show them my accident report etc etc.
Even then, it really shouldnt matter. Accidental damage covers drops, spills, etc. A car accident that damages the laptop is nothing worse than if you dropped your notebook yourself onto a tile floor from the 2nd floor in your house (which would be pretty bad). What I am saying is, that its all the same thing, its an accident.
They really shouldnt care about accident reports, etc. It was damaged accidentally, you have complete care, they should fix it. It isnt like the damage is intentional....
You have to look at it this way....if you accidentally dropped the notebook while going somewhere, do they want proof of that too? I mean come on....I get Dell's part by trying to get the other party to pay for the notebook and save money, but the notebook should be repaired with no questions asked. -
What? Did the police said that? God, how can they not judge that?? If what you said earlier is true, then it is clear that person who hit you is wrong, but as M3TH0D1C4L said, complete care, same as me, would get you the replacement no matter the accidents. Call them and say to them you got complete care and want a replacement. Demand to speak with the supervisor.
That's just dumb. It shouldn't matter whether or not it was a private road, that does not take away responsibility. Would would the police of said the same thing if someone was killed? Honestly the only thing they can eliminate from it being a private road is the speed because they cannot regulate that. It sounds like you are being ripped off man by a lazy police service and a lazier Dell. Dell have no excuse if you have the full care package. I could maybe understand if you didn't have accidental care. As someone else said ring them again and say you dropped it down a flight of stairs and force them to fix it. What is there to report on? I slipped over a banana skin accidentally dropped my M15x? If they still refuse you need to threaten them with legal action if they cannot honour the service you paid for. Sounds fishy, maybe Dell can get away with bending rules over there or adding stuff into contracts that gets regulated here. Either way you have to make them cough up, don;t you have something like Ofcom over there to report fraudulent companies to.
Give the laptop to your child and film them dropping it by accident.
No but really. See, these are the times you would have to lie to Dell to get things done. I bet if you did not tell them about that car accident thing, they wouldnt even have a second thought about trying to replace your notebook. They just want to get out of having to pay for the repairs.
It is always the nice and honest people that get shafted.....Call them and immediately get a supervisor. Dont even bother talking with the other "pawns." Just state your case directly with the supervisor.
Even if you have to, pull up your warranty details and refresh their memory on what complete care coverage means... -
Information updated ***
After 3months of weekly complaint to dell.
They decided that i don't have to purchase a complete cover warranty and claim a whole new casing under that.
Their manager of the technical department, finally issued a permission for my whole lappy's casing to be changed.
conclusively consistant harassing =
1. saved $400 on a whole new casing
2. my computer looks brand new -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Good deal. But sounds like you earned it.
good news, glad for you.
Let us know if you ever find performance issues you think might be related to the banging... -
Generally, after the accident i don't find any major problems with my laptop.
only problems i found are :
1. cpu temperature at max load at 90c compared to before which is around 75c
2. keyboard lightning issues ( some part arent lighting up )
other than that, my baby's alright. -
you said the laptop was in the trunk, but was it in a backpack or case?
(sorry if you already mentioned this... I didn't read all posts...) -
its in the backpack.. all the protection didnt even help.. the bag has like a few big holes on the sides and bottom ;/
well... I'm sure it did help, damage might have been much worse without a backpack.... but also, who puts a laptop without a backpack on the trunk of a car, right? -
haha true.. thank god i didnt die in that accident.. was right beside the edge of a 500m cliff drop rofl
yep... unless you had CompleteCare warranty on your own body parts...
Those temps are a little too high.....
I think the CPU heatsink may have become bent during the accident. It may not be making good contact with the CPU. Higher temps will shorten the overall lifespan of the CPU.
I would call them back and have them fix the keyboard and send out a new heatsink as well. Its good that they replaced the base with a new one. But they should also repair the rest of the system to make it like it originally was. -
Glad to hear things worked out well for ya.
You know what's ridiculous? The private property where the accident happened, is on a whole mountain. It's a huge property with a mountain top casino resort. The road, is considered semi-private, part of it belonging to the government. I just can't believe the cops said it was on a fully private property and they can't do anything. sigh
alvinkhorfire Notebook Consultant
From what I know, it is not far-fetched to say that the law enforcement in Malaysia is pretty lax. Coupled with the fact that Malaysians in general tend not to exercise their consumer right as it should be, it is hard to make insurance claim in such tricky situation. -
alvinkhorfire Notebook Consultant
No worries. I very much admire the fact that the Americans are very vocal about their consumer rights. That way, the corporations there just cannot simply bully the customers without any valid reason.
Look at the bright side now. At least, Unbreakables managed to convince Dell Malaysia to replace the laptop chasing. All is not lost. -
Banged up M15x (Car crash)
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Unbreakables, Jan 30, 2011.