Hi guys, can anyone tell me why my alienware culd shutdown by himself and then restart, but when im doing nothing, browsing or similar. Its strange, and the onl change i did was uninstalling the microsoft securit essentials to try another program. Thank for your help.
First thing i would do is to monitor my temps to see if its heat related.
yes, i did, and they are good, 50 to 55 on gpu and 50 or 51 cpu, its strange
Is your battery in the system or not?
Can you list the programs you are running?
You can use a soft like this: HijackThis - Trend Micro USA -
hi, after i reinstalled all the components and a lot of time trying to turn on the computer, its alive, but it does not recognizes the wifi and the bluetooth card because the motherboard is dead (the three lights are blinking when it doesnt turn on). i sent a email to dell and im waiting the answer, thanks for our help boys, but its a hardware problem
I still get these random shutdowns but ONLY when im playing heavy games such as Crysis 2 and Entropia Universe in fullscreen.. When im playing those games in windowed mode i can play long sessions.
Im guessing its my ram memory overheating. -
My guess is, the structure of the fin cover itself decreases flow of hot air out. Opening it, solves the problem -
Yeah i also removed this. But it wasnt the culprit of my shutdowns. It was my RAM. I simply put thermal pads on my rams
hi guys, the tech came to repare my computer and he wasnt able to do it. Ill have a new alienware computer. im waiting for the confirmation of which one they will send me, a new m15x that is not in production or the m17x r3. wishme luck jajaja
Auto Shutdown
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by elquetefocka, Aug 2, 2011.