System is a new laptop, Alienware m15 R3 with RTX 2070 Super from Best Buy.
Out of the box, started Windows 10 initial setup, and took all Windows and Alienware updates.
Opened up the NVIDIA Control Panel (version 8.1.959.0) from GeForce Game Ready Driver version 460.89, and in the Desktop menu i see following menu items,
Enable Developer Settings
Add Desktop Context Menu
The menu is missing following items,
Show Notification Tray Icon <<-------- missing,
Display GPU Activity Icon in Notification Area <<-------- missing,
I have other machines with same versions of NVIDIA Control Panel and Game Ready Driver, and there the NV Control Panel under Desktop menu shows all items.
Anyone with m15 R3 that has the same issue in the NVIDIA Control Panel?
Thanks much.
Anyone with Alienware M5 R3 with RTX 2070 (Super or not) can help me avoid returning mine to BB
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by gixxer69, Dec 16, 2020.