Is anybody selling a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5850 in perfect condition? I have been having a hard time finding one on ebay, and I made the mistake of getting mine with the 5730m, which seems to perform quite poorly.
svl7 has one I think. You could also go for the 6970/6990m. If you are seriously money short, I have a 260m GTX for $120
Yeah, I still have mine. Had a couple of interested people recently, but nobody seems to really want it... the last guy said he'd buy it but I haven't heard from him for a couple of days, so just PM if you're interested, first comes, first serves.
I don't believe i can PM yet. What is your email?
The 260m aint great compared to the 5850. No DX11, limited overclockability therefore limited performance.
a fair comparison would be the 460m. -
^^ By this xeroxide means 460m vs 5850 not 460m vs 260m.
Can anybody show me a picture of what the Dell 260m for the m15x looks like?
It should look exactly like these:
NVIDIA GeForce 460M GTX | eBay -
it might. The card needs to be MXM 3.0b compliant though. Seller didn't put down and specific info...I would ask.
EDIT: I can see the MXM logo on the card so I think you should be good. Still I would ask one of the gurus here before doing anything. -
wow .. 200 bucks .. good luck!
There won't be fan problems on the other vendor 460m. The fan problem only lies with the 6970m. I've owned the Clevo 460m, no fan problems.
With that being said, then you're good to go
I won the 460m, but i was wondering if anybody could let me know how I should thermal paste it, etc...
You can refer to inap's pasting guide: -
Thanks! Besides using an antistatic mat, what is another safe surface to place my old gpu?
I used bubble wrap to store spare GPUs in the past, seems to have no effect on the cards. But just to be safe, use an antistatic mat.
Well for me (I have no antistatic mat) I usually ground myself by firmly gripping a metal radiator and not wearing really furry or wooly clothes. I'd avoid nylon too. I do things on a wooden surface, I've been ok and have only destroyed one card which had nothing to do with static electrity, just plain absentmindedness. Just avoid wrapping something up in a cloth or anything material. Plastic should be ok.
Okay, and do you think it's necessary to use a antistatic wristband?
Anybody selling GPU?
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by disasta121, Aug 8, 2011.