Well, I'll go straight to the point. Yesterday, when I was packing my stuffs to go home, I forgot my 150W slim adapter. This morning I was able to borrow a 90W genuine Dell adapter, my M15x was able to boot and do all the normal surfing stuffs, but I'm considering if it could even play games? My configuration is: i7 720QM + GTX 460M + 8GB DDR3 + 128GB Samsung 860 Series SSD + 500GB Seagate HDD 5,400rpm
Not recommended. Maximum load with your hardware exceeds this psu pretty much.
alienisme likes this. -
Last edited: Jan 26, 2016alienisme likes this.
No is the right answer. I had the same 460M and a 720qm setup before upgrading and my power draw from the mains was well over 130W during gaming. The 90W adapter may probably provide some extra power over its 90W rating, but over time it will start heating up and eventually fail.
alienisme likes this. -
hmmm, thank you guys. I'm not gonna play games with this 90W PSU. But I just noticed that the core clock and mem clock of the GPU never get to 675/1250MHz when using that PSU but it just keep stucked at 203/250MHz, why?
alienisme likes this.
Yes, that's why Dell uses the center pin on their adapters. It basically says to the motherboard, here I am and I can provide 90W
Alienware M15x with 90W adapter
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by alienisme, Jan 26, 2016.