I am just talking about the GPU itself being covered by the warranty.
Does anyone know whether the new BIOS release for the Alienware M15x fixes the new Alienware Command Center problem which causes all of the system's lighting system to turn off? URGENT!!!
Weird thing happening here (A05 BIOS installed). Suppose i'm writing something in wordpad or microsoft word (or this very same form). Whenever i press the Wifi button a "7" appears on the document and if i press the stealth button a "w" appears. ¿Anyone else with this problem? ¿Any ideas? Thank you guys.
Yeeeappp!! I saw it already and it is not associated to A05, I had it in A02 and A03. Not sure that it is actually the BIOS, but more Command Center.
Nope. Just the 7's and the W's. And the problem persists even if i uninstall command center. Plain odd...
it not a bios issue, hitting the touch button is like hitting a combination of keys to start a command. so when using wordpad when you touch it it will show the keys.
Mmmmm, then how come nothing happens when you press the other buttons?
Can anyone tell me whether the new biox fixes the unstable new alienware command center? Does it stop the random flashes?
Hey sorry to go off thread abit, but a dell technician came and replaced my A03 flashed to A05 motherboard with a A03 motherboard and it solved the audio cracking problems, so i guess the sound problems are not related to the bios.
wondering this new bios(A05) support the GTX280M, 5870M??
Solve throttling issue? -
just finished update the bios, seems like throttling issue still exist...
My M15X somes time freeze when gaming or somes time i surfing the web ! BIOS issues ??? and want to update my BIOS to A05 but i so scared is will BRICK my M15X
i read some infomation about BIOS A03 are BRICKED alot of M15X ??? Should i upgrade this ??? can somebody help me about freeze issues ?? i so tired about this , when i'm playing crysis about 1 hour ( somes time more ) -> freeze and a speakers make a loop noise
.... are this hard ware problem ??? somes time i just surfing the web but is freeze
.... sooooo borrring !
when my laptop freeze i can't do anything ( Ctrl + Alt + Del to shutdown or close app not work , i can only hold a power buttons to shut down
A05 is fine from what I have been reading here.
Just flash it. Even if it bricks it you will get a new system or a new mobo from Dell. -
My M15X somes time freeze when gaming or somes time i surfing the web ! are this BIOS issues ??? i try to clean reinstall my Windows 3 times , and it seem happens to me
why ??? somes time i watching HD is freeze a little time with a speakers making loop noise
I should upgrade this BIOS anyway ???? i don't want anymore issues coming -
Once you've flashed the bios...if you still experience the issues you currently experience...then its time to call dell. But i am almost certain it will most likely fix them. Hope this helpsGd luck buddy.
Yeah ! it's fix this
i very love my M15X now and i luv this 4rum too
, thanks everyone for help me , i'm just a newbie .. and is a new guy in there
, i'm from viet nam , nice to meet you people !
p/s : Are my English bad ??? i think is so bad -
Anyone notice the throttling more frequent. I rarely noticed before.. now Each time I play WoW .. it happens in a couple mins... I can recreate it no problem. It actually for sure got worse when I updated to A05.. I dont know what to do. plz help.
DeeX, I am not sure about throttling frequently, but I definitely noticed that the fans are blasting at any activity that I do, no matter if I am in Stealth Mode and simply browsing the net. This thing started to happen after I updated to A05 BIOS... therefore I am considering to go back to A03.
Damn, Dell/AW will not do something good right away, they just keep missing things every single time. -
Has anyone contacted tech support about the throttling problem? It seems like they should be addressing it seeing as how common it is becoming...
on A05 all of my benchmarks are way lower for some reason, but gaming seems fine.
I don't see why they won't give you a new one due to their bios update bricking your laptop. That's just wrong if they refuse.
no replacement units are not refurbs they are new.
Is there a way to flash from usb or without having to burn a cd?
Figured I would post this.. I guess its bad news dunno.
I flashed back and forth between a05 and a03 and ran some gaming tests and benchmarks.
For sure A05 makes the throttling worse. I can go from it happening in WoW here and there, to it happening as soon as you play and more frequent.
Also In furmark .. clearly its more frequent.
Either way .. Throttling Throttling Throttling.
Hopefully we can raise some awareness or something and get this fixed! FFS this is quite BS imo.Attached Files:
I'm currently running A05 bio and there no throttling for me.
Replacements from Dell are almost always new systems.
You get an order number generated just as if you ordered a new system.
So no, I do not worry about the replacement being refurbished -
Recently (5 seconds ago), I was playing Star Wars: Force Unleashed on my M15x. Before the A05 update, I had to plug in an external keyboard to start the game because the enter button wouldn't work. But now it does!! This is probably old news, BUT if it wasn't I would like to take credit for telling everyone. Your Welcome
I am the Best, and your welcome again. -
lol so true
So.....I guess I am still awesome. -
Hi guys, I got a 5870m from baby hemi, but first i gotta update the bio, so i downloaded n burned the iso file on cd, and booted it up, but it wouldn't flash? Help? any suggestion? I pressed F12 when it started up, and then picked boot option of cd, then it would just go straight to windows.. any idea?
Burning an ISO file using Nero 8 -
Just got a new m15x
bios a05
Havent explored much but theres a problem with the diagnostics.the screen freezes (can you see the colour bars y/n)--
tried doing from the resource dvd...everything works fine
just itchy why doesnt the bios dagnostics work...any suggestions reply soon -
Wattos! That was my problem! ha! now my lappy's A05! :-D thousand thanks!
windows 7 and my bios is A05>>>>due u see any point reinstalling the bios??
alright how many of u guys have the diagnostics problem...
Hi, I am having the diagnostics problem, however, all diagnostics from resource CD worked fine and I've found no errors. Also if I try to run
the diagnostics -bios- with battery power, it sais that it's unable to
turn up the display's brightness. Maybe A05 bios could fix this?
I'm currently on A02 bios, and unable to upgrade to A05 because the .iso doesn't contain the files it should, so it doesn't boot.
My iso file only contains the following (R262516.iso):
autorun.inf - only for diplaying the readme
aw.ico - alienhead icon
awlogo.png - well, an image
readme.hta - executable readme file
-my explorer settings allow to see every hidden file and extension-
Comparing with bios a02 iso, all the boot files are missing,
plus the bios update itself.
Tryed burning with nero, magic iso and power iso, checked
for hidden partitions or something unusual... I don't know what else to think
other than the iso file is not as it should be. (tryed downloading with dell
plugin for internet explorer 8, firefox, without the plugin, etc, the file is
always the same 7,503,872 bytes)
When or where did you get the proper .iso for bios A05? I'd appreciate very much if anyone could send me a complete a05 bios iso, with the actual bios files in it.
apologies for the lenghty post -
Thanks for your reply, buy I already know that, all the above
was after burning the iso several times, with different software
and never got booting from it. (besides I've already upgraded
to a02 a while ago without issues)
The boot priority is set to the dvd drive, as it boots fine every
other bootable disc, except for the one with this iso burned.
Also tried different disks, before opening the iso and seeing it is
Comparison between cds burned with bios a02 and a05
Some people has this issue posted in dell suport forums but they've
got no answer yet.
I've also thought of making a usb key considering the weird case
that this bios version cannot be updated from cd, but again, as
no bios files are on de iso, I'm unable to put them on a bootable
Phone support didn't gave me a solution since they think it's not likely
the file could be wrong in their servers, so I'm stuck here.
Thanks again, regards -
I am looking into buying an M15x and just wanted a few starting tips as to different kinds of problems I may run into. I have read through the thread and see some smaller problems that won't really be a bother: such as a faulty key lock, bad case, and something about an iso. On a different thread, however, some complaints came through that overheating and graphics card faliure was a problem. Is this a common occurance? -
i think you have been reading about the older area 51 models, bad case and thermal problem and keyboard lag. the new all powerful model has none of that. just a crappy touchpad, but a very solid build with excellent cooling.
Dont mean to be a bother but i need to be caught up. I was reading some of your other threads "inapproriatename 3" and you have been talking to some others about bricking and A03 A05. Is that just for AW? Everyone talking about switching between A03 and A05 because of "throttling?" issues, I am looking to run a good amount of Autodesk programs on this and I want to make sure that It is going to hold up to it. -
I can tell you my experience so far, hope it helps.
My config is starter (i7 720qm, GT240) with 4gb ddr3 1333 and 320gb HD.
I bought it last november and the main purpose was to have a mobile
workstation so I can take my 3dmax + directx applications (game
development) everywhere.
So, I'm often putting a lot of pressure on the machine, and considering
the ambient temperature here (between 20 and 40+ °c), GPU temp
goes between 30° (idle) and 50° (full load, like gta IV), and CPU
goes from 50° (idle) to 75° when insane rendering takes place.
I know the values might seem a bit high, but again, considering the very
hot and wet environment, I have no complains about overheating. -
well the tech that serviced my M15x bricked it, after replacing the screen. so it wasn't the machine itself that was faulty. and the A03 bios bricking the laptop was just a bad release of the bios. with an i7 all your autodesk stuff will run like a breeze so don't worry. also not many people experience the throttling, even if you do there is a fix. so you are good to go.
Alienware M15x Official Bios A05 is now available!
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Alienewbie, Apr 1, 2010.