Hi there, could someone please help with the problem i am having. I have been having a problem with my alienware laptop since i bought it, the usb ports have a tendency to stop working or, after coming out of sleep, i will get a bluescreen and a Bugcode_usb_driver error message and restart.
I have completely reinstalled windows 7 64bit, and updated every driver on my system to the newest, i have tried all of my usb peripherals individually and the same problem happens with all of them, so i dont think its one of them that is faulty. I thought it may be linked with the sleep options and have tried to disable all, this improves things for a while, but the restarts still happen less frequently.
I am completely out of options now on what the problem could be, I am leaning toward a hardware problem, but would like to be sure.
This is the error 022712-22495-01.dmp 2012/02/27 01:22:02 PM BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER 0x000000fe 00000000`00000005 fffffa80`06c8e1a0 00000000`80863b3c fffffa80`0789bc48 USBPORT.SYS USBPORT.SYS+2df7e x64 ntoskrnl.exe+7cc40 C:\Windows\Minidump\022712-22495-01.dmp 8 15 7601 327712
If you need any further information please just ask.
I am have a similar issue too. I have yet to find a solution. I dont know what is causing the problem.
http://forum.notebookreview.com/alienware-m15x/616318-computer-crash-bugcode-usb-driver.html -
Oh wow, this happens to me too... Using logitech mouse here.
Alienware M15x Bugcode_usb_driver BSOD
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Batguano, Feb 27, 2012.