So I recently ordered a Dell 7970m off of ebay to upgrade my M15x. SO I in installed it it worked all the way to login and turned black then logged in and windows sounds played with a black screen any ideas? Any idea how to fix this issue? The card is running an non Enduro based BIOS an earlier Dell vBIOS revision that doesn't have enduro.
Thank you in advance for your responses.
run DDU and re-install drivers. If that doesn't work, you could have damaged the card upon installation. Black screen after chime typically means inability to initialize hardware-accelerated graphics
Radeon hd7970m heating issue 85ºC & shutdown. Alienware m15x. 150w adaptor.
Alienware M15x 7970m upgrade woes
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by Timer5, Jul 8, 2016.