thanks bro, i thinkk i downloaded that game before but never actually tried it, it was on my external which i wiped out by accident. been spending the past few days trying to recovery data from it. man now i learn a good lesson, always have a backup of your backup,lol.
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Ok!! I have got the same problem as well... but only with earphones... something to do with amount of power sent by the headphone jack is too much for the headphones to handle so it cracks at high volumes....
will contact alienware tech tommorow and let you guys know...
Jesse will get in touch 2morrow.... -
wow thats so strange, i use headphones everyday without seeing anything like that. actually i get great sound from speakers and headphones.
ok sweet i should have asked you to try that before i did a full re install lol oh well i know how to do it now inaprop do you use bud style headphones ? and was also wondering can i delete all those folders where my drivers where unziped too ? thanks wizard for guideing me thru that today you are a champion
yeah external speakers work fine maybe its just that type of headphones
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
OK!!! was checking out sound cracking issue.... Check this out comparing my 2 m15x's look at the number of jacks listed in audio device and also look at the name of Sound card instead of IDT it says 2- IDT...
Even though the driver is same version have both the pics...
M15x Sound Cracking
M15x no problems
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
it is to do with the I/O board connections or the motherboard.....
i have used pretty much all styles, buds, overear, external speaker and even bluethtooth stereo headset all without problems. all of the stuff you unzipped when installing goes into the dell folder under drivers, i suggest leaving it. glad all went well with reinstall, so is everything working properly? -
wow another nice find white wizard.
no the sound still sux oh well hopefully the replacement will sound better
but i just had my mother board replaced ? so dod u have 2 m15s wizard and this prob only happens on one ?
sorry to hear that, when did you order and receive your laptop, trying to see if it only an issue with the current batch of M15x. same with you wiz your older one is good right, just the new one has the problem?
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
but the hardware ID is the same for both the audio devices.. SO nothing new for the sound card... and also backdated the driver to exact version for my older m15x.. -
i'm confused = / lol
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
2. Click on hardware and sound category.
3. Click on manage audio devices
4. by selecting speakers click properties
5. what does your Jack information say...
It should show one jack for C sub only if i am not wrong...
Please confirm this... then we can diagnose ur sound issue.. -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
hey!! mevlar did you check the jack info out!!!
My recently arrived m15x says only C SUB, but it does not write 2-IDT HIGH DEFINITION CODEC. Audio started to tear only today.
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
It won't say 2-idt anyways because it just me checking different driver version...
Hey denogun... Does ur audio tear just on headphones or its the same case for speakers(external) as well... -
i dont use external speakers, but i did test them some time ago when i first got my com. that time earphones worked well too. for me audio tears on higher loads, or sometimes randomly. as for the jacks, it just lists 1 c-sub.
my speakers seem to work fine. my earphones, however, will make occasional random noises, for example when i click on certain buttons. -
Okay people, i have found a fix that allows me to get back my LR LR and CSUB in the playback devices page.
These are the exact steps i took.
1. Download the R248560 drivers. (Straight from dell)
2. Uninstall the drivers from device manager. (Go to Sound, video and game controllers, uninstall IDT. Check the box to delete the drivers too.) After uninstalling, do not scan for hardware changes.
3. Do not restart.
4. Unplug any headphones or speakers.
6. Navigate to C:\Dell\Drivers\R248560\
7. Run setup.exe
8. Once done, restart. Do not plug in any headphones or whatsoever till computer fully reboots.Attached Files:
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
did this fix the noise tearing...
because i got my mobo, I/o and the cable replaced today and the audio is fixed now... -
How's this for a confusing problem. Like my iPhone now my mouse is acting funny. I have a Razer Mamba and it has been working fine since I got it with the M15x. Then 2 weeks ago button 4 (side button) stopped working all together. My iPhone problem was fixed when I took it to the Apple store (my skin still burns) and sync'd it with one of their computers. BAM! it instantly was able to sync with my M15x like it wasn't doing before. So I just plugged the mouse into another computer, waited for it to load and work on theirs, then plugged it back into mine, BAM! button 4 was working again. I tried all manner to steps to correct this before hand, reinstalling of drivers, different USB slots and nothing. It seems things either don't work or stop working on the M15x until I use them on a different computer. WEIRD!!!!
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Tried That but still doesn't list allthe three jacks...
The may not be a driver issue because i tried the same driver with both of My m15x.. Same spec and still had the tearing sound on loud volumes only with headphones though... -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
the tearing is drastically reduced. i''m just scared they will screw up my alienware more than repair it. I've read reports on people who cant even fix the com back. -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Just reinstall the drivers and send them pics if they ask for it that it is only listing c- sub rather it should list 3 jscks (I can send you the pic for 3 jacks listed. You can send that to them as something that they can compare to).... Tell them u have tried reinstalling windows default drivers even the latest driver from dell's website. You have also tried a fresh install and still the tearing persists.. Tell them that you think it is something to do with faulty Jacks or the connection between the jacks and the motherboard or the motherboard itself.
The tech who came to my place was pretty good at what he was doing. Replaced the I/o board, motherboard and connection in less than 30 minutes. Yes, sometimes tech guys don't know what they are doing.. But if they do something wrong you can get yourself a replacement.. -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Try uninstalling the sd card driver and deleting the files from computer and let windows install the drivers. Check if this solves the problem...
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
Hi, i use a pair of Ultimate ears TF10 and i've been experiencing the same problem. Whenever the sound level gauge goes more than halfway up, the sound cracks. I'm using an resistance adapter to get rid of background hissing and it also allows me to push the volume higher but keeping the sound within safe listening loudness. Any suggestions other than to call dell ? I'm afraid that they wud cause more problems than they fix cuz it involves tearing the laptop apart right ? now i oni have the sound cracking problem and the laptop restart problem caused by the 186 drivers.
Hi, I have been following this thread since several days and as many of you I have the problem with the sound as well.
However, two days ago I decided to uninstall the IDT Driver and leave the default Windows 7 driver as a test, basically many of the cracking/tearing problems are not longer there. I can see several jacks in the status of Sound Properties and I can do much better than what I was doing with the Dell drivers.
I believe this is again another proof of the poor quality products delivered by Dell. One more in the list. -
I just called dell. They suggested that I downgrade my bios to A02. Anyone knows if this solves the problem ? Er can anyone tell me the significance of changes between A02 and A03 ? If i have not mistaken i think it only concerns the "enter" key for some NFS games is it ? Oh and I uninstalled the IDT drivers and scanned hardware changes, used windows update to retrieve the audio drivers and now it shows only 2 ports but the sound crackling is drastically reduced. Thanks NoMyName. But seriously should I reflash the bios ? I understand that doing it wrongly will brick my system and I'm afraid that I may not be able to reflash to A03 again due to the bricking problems faced by users a few months ago.
I noticed that when i have one earphone socket plugged in the sound works fine, but when i plug another earphone to the other socket, the previous one had its sound cut off. Which means I can only have one socket transmitting sound.
Alright, I called Dell today and they said they will send down the I/O board only. Do you think that will fix the problem?
Not to derail this thread at all, but do any of you think replacing my I/O board (bought in nov last year, Bios A02 still) will fix iPhone syncing errors? I get a single csub jack listing but tearing is not too bad for me (i also use a G35 headset a lot of the time but when using normal headsets I have noticed some cackles.)
Hi choongfenix, I understand your frustration... despite of my confidence to do tech things with other laptops, I am not longer confident to do BIOS update with Alienware, it was too painful to find-out that a BIOS update sent my Alienware appreciation down to the ground.
About the sound and the output, as you were able to do with the IDT driver, you can assign the type of function/output of the jacks. Open Sound Properties in Control Panel and underneath of the devices list you see "Set Default", click over the arrow and you can choose what is the preferred function for the device selected.
I have not tested the audio output combinations a lot using the Win 7 drivers, but I want to have audio coming out through the Display Port, test the 5.1 surround and multiple application audio output when working with multimedia, nevertheless I am happy to get a decent audio from my computer either using headphones or the speakers.
Finally I am not sure that the I/O board could be responsible for this... why I can see things and have better audio output with the Win 7 driver and not with the IDT driver? Something in the IDT driver is not yet well engineered.
I can tell you that I am not quite keen to let someone disassemble my lappie - again! - to replace a board. I have scratches from my previous MoBo replacement - BIOS Update A03 bricked my lappie when it was brand new. -
Try to play with/test the Win 7 drivers and try to find a good compromise, then let's wait for an update of the IDT drivers to see if the problem was addressed or not. -
Yeah, I'll probably still stick with the default windows drivers for now. Better not dissasemble the laptop when nothing much is wrong. I guess I'll wait till before my warranty expires to complain bout it again haha. By the way, does IDT have an official website ?
sigh the website really sux. Why cant alienware put in some creative soundcard instead of idt and sigmatel =.=" Is the problem for sure solved with replacing the I/O board ? The bios downgrade does not do anything right ?
Alienewbie, interesting position...
For my hardware case, why I think that the I/O is fine? Because it does not show that is not working.
With or without the IDT driver, I am able to address all the ports, yes the software side (Windows' Sound Properties) does not show all the jacks... but it is software at the end.
When using the IDT driver I plugged something to all jacks and the software showed the status of the jacks, it has identified mics, headphones and I was able to configure a 5.1 surround system... but again I was getting the stuttering and crackles.. and when loud the headphones were distorting. This is pretty much what every one in this thread have mentioned about the audio.
I am currently using the Windows 7 driver and I have better results. The audio gain increased, my Apple headphones perform better at higher volumes "still crappy sound at full volume", but my Sony professional headphones they work charmingly. I have not longer stuttering and crackles, I don't have Skype sound randomly diverting audio from my main output like headphones or external speakers to built-in speakers.
This can not be explained if the problem was not related to software... however I accept that can be a combination of both if the hardware does not respond well to software commands. Only Dell in their infinity wisdom could answer this.
Nevertheless one main question remains, there are cheaper laptops around in the market with lesser problems that the ones that we have with 'premium" laptops. Why we have to go through this kind of problems wasting energy and not enjoying the laptop as it should be? It is still several thousand USD paid for quality.. -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
1. New hardware- checked the hardware ID for the sound card , its the same
HD ID on both the laptops
2. Faulty Hardware - Only case remaining. Look at the pictures attached.. same driver version with different jack information and crackling noise...
M15x without problems
M15x with sound problems
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
The windows driver reduces the problems but doesn't eliminate it. What it does is reduces the output level on the jacks hence reducing any tearing noise on the earphones. -
thewhitewizard, do you mean the faulty has motherboard, cable and I/O board changed? Ok, let's get things clear out.
You have 2 M15X, one is working fine and the other is not. So, you called in and replaced the parts in the faulty one. Right? And so, how's the sound in the faulty one now? -
OK, I get it.
Alienware M15X Sound Probs, please help
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by JesseB25, Mar 13, 2010.