I recently purchased a new 8GB RAM stick for my old M15X. But for some reason, it won't work. There was an instance in the past where I swapped the 16 GB RAM out of my AW 15 and it worked just fine. But after I've updated the BIOS on the older laptop and installed Windows 10 Pro, it won't work. I've tried draining the internal battery, swapping RAM out of my new laptop, re-flashing the BIOS, fresh install, everything I can think of. And when I run pre-boot diagnostics with the new RAM , it only gets up to the beginning of the CPU test before restarting. If I start the computer like normal, it the Windows 10 circle doesn't make a full revolution before a BSOD that shows a different code every time.
is there a way I can make this work? I have verified that the new RAM stick is fine, so something is wrong with components or software.The specs for the old laptop are as follows:
M15X R1
Intel i3 350m
ATI 5730m
(just replaced)500 GB HDD
150 W PSU
Windows 10 Pro
have you tried using windows 7? has anyone else managed to get windows 10 working on the m15x?
also which ram are you upgrading too? -
My plan was to use 1 8GB RAM stick. The brand is a basic OEM part from a generic manufacturer and I also tried using the RAM our of my AW 15. WIndows 10 Pro seems to be working just fine on the M15X, save for the 4GB RAM. I wasn't planning on putting a lot of money into it, since I'm loaning it to a family member and not using it as my main PC.
It's just at 4GB the RAM has to be cleaned out often. The laptop runs slow, so my first thought was how fast the RAM fills up and often reaches 3+ GB of used storage. Now, I'm starting to wonder if the processor might be causing the bottleneck because the PC isn't as responsive as it used to be. When I first purchased it (secondhand), it had a bad or corrupted copy of Windows 8.1. Later on, I put Windows 7 Premium and then used the free Windows 10 Pro upgrade. Windows 7 performance was marginally better than Windows 10. I would just rather keep the same OS on both my computers, seeing as the person it's being loaned out to is rather computer illiterate.
Could be the 8GB stick is not compatible. It would help if you listed the specific model of RAM. Surely there's a label on it of some sort, or at least tell us how many chips are on the stick/ the manufacturer and model number of the chips/ and the voltage.
The stick I bought has no markings, only spec information. It worked fine in my AW 15. I tried looking up the part number on the label, but turned up nothing. The specs on the RAM stick is 8GB of DDR3 clocked at 1600 MHz with dual voltage of 1.5 and 1.3v. The AW 15 stick that worked in the past is an 8GB DDR3L RAM stick clocked at 1600MHz also, and with the same voltage option. I only want to put 8 GB in the old laptop. I looked up what parts the i3 350m could support on the Crucial website, and my RAM sticks meet the ones specified to the letter. Well, almost. The brands are the only point of difference.
It could simply be that the i3 won't take it?
I installed Win 10 on my M15x and it is working really (surprisingly?) well. I am only running 8GB (2x4) so I cannot comment on the that. I have two other M15x machines with Win 8.1 that are running 16GB (2x8) and they have had no issues.kosti likes this. -
Found this:
Hi there! I have 2 Hynix HMT451S6BFR8A-PB (2x4GB) and i am trying to use them in a vaio i3 350m. When i use them, the ddr3 are detected in BIOS but windows won't start (it keeps restarting). I tried
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King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Upgrade your cpu to a 920xm then you can run 16gb. The M15x mobo itself is no5 fussy as regards to ram manufacturer.
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What really gets me is that the old computer was willing to run on my new laptop's 8GB RAM stick, but now it won't accept it. Is there any idea why that might be? Like I said, according to Crucial, all the requirements for the stick and the cpu are met.
deadsmiley and kosti like this.
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Any tech that came out during the last 7 years pretty much
it can't run. Except for one of those BT4+wireless pcie hybrid cards that I covet. That works apparently!
deadsmiley likes this. -
I'm wondering if I did a rollback on the BIOS if it would take care of my problems. I tried doing a rollback before, but I can't find the option to flash one.
Alienware M15X RAM Upgrade Problems
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by David Effiong, Aug 8, 2016.