Recently, my friend's M15x just refused to light up and when installing Command Center, he keeps getting .NET error which results in him unable to use AlienFX to turn on the lights or change color.
Even when he's able to open Command Center, the AlienFX section is still unusable
He has done the power drain trick, uninstall and reinstall Command Center, .NET framework, even installing Windows multiple time but the problem still persist. I've had a look at his machine and found that there's one Unknown Device under USB Controllers (I think it's the one affecting AlienFX)
Oh, I even notice that after installing Command Center on his M15x, it requires to select the model while it doesn't need to do such thing on mine.
Does anyone have any recommendation? thanks in advance.
p.s: He hasn't opened his M15x before
p.s 2: sorry for the pictures but my friend hasn't signed in facebook on his computer, thus he's sending me pictures taken with his phone instead
Corrupt alienfx controller, there used to be a sticky about it in here but idk where it’s gone off to. Needs new motherboard, and only use command center from the Dell website, not the resource disc. I have a spare board somewhere. You could also reprogram the controller if you had the programmer. I have it somewhere as wel
Alienware FX problem
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by alienisme, Feb 21, 2019.