The LED's around the on button and the Alien head on the outside of the case, led's 1&2 in Command Center, will often not turn on and/or not respond when the plug is pulled (switching to battery). Everywhere else the LED's work perfectly but those can be very stubborn. Anyone else have trouble with it? Is there a fix.
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
I'm no expert, but it is often recommended when glitches like that occur, to open a new theme and recreate the one that isn't working properly under a new name. Then, once the new theme is final and working, delete the old theme.
also most commander center glitches can be fixed with ye old power drain trick. or what the rev recommended also hitting fn+f11 on and off a few times can fix a few problems.
AlienFX givin probs.
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by LastKnown1, Aug 12, 2010.