I'm sure Joker and others will be glad to hear it is still being looked into.
I also do not have "vacations" anymore when I have a Blackberry as my main phone.![]()
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
Thank you very much for noting multiple instances of real world use. Not only that, but your examples clearly show the system does not have to be pushed as hard as I demonstrated in synthetic tests before it throttles.
At this point however, I'm expecting Dell to tell us that your problem is a unique one and not typical of the average consumer and that will be it. From the get go it has been a lot of excuses but nothing substantial to back those excuses.
I am glad John is here to talk with us, especially while on vacation. However, John you have used faulty analogies with respect to the CPU being utilized at 100% and I have tried correcting this all along. A CPU is designed to sustain 100% peak performance and stay there all day long. Yesterday I specifically talked about TJ Max but you chose not to address my post.
As long as the CPU does not reach TJ Max and it is supplied adequate power (which it should be with a 150W power brick), there is no reason it should throttle or cause throttling in other components. The GPU works under a similar principle, it should never throttle unless it hits the throttle threshold that nVidia has designed (in this case it's ~110C). Both the GPU and CPU should have more than enough power supplied via the 150W brick because Sagers with a more powerful 280M GTX use a 120W supply.
Initially I was optimistic we'd get a fix for this but I've heard contradictory statements. Correct me if I'm wrong John, but you stated that Dell engineers were aware of the problem but would not address it because the system was not designed to reach 100% on all 4 cores. You then told us it wasn't realistic to reach 100% on all 4 cores. Now that someone has posted multiple real world examples, we're being told there's an engineer somewhere in Dell actively looking at the problem. So which is it? Is this being taken seriously or are we being paid lip service?
Please don't take my post as combative, I'm trying to get a concrete answer here and I appreciate the fact that you're here to answer our questions. I have always been a big supporter and owner of Dell products ranging from the Dell XPS2, XPS M1710, XPS 16 to the M15X. I'd hate to see a nearly perfect machine like the M15x crippled by an issue like this so that should explain why many of us are so passionate about this issue and want to see it resolved one way or another.
Thanks. -
Thanks to unclewebb's new beta ThrottleStop, I did some further testing and have found that if the CPU multiplier is locked at 10x on my i820 CPU, which renders the clock speed to 1330 MHz, the GPU stays at full clocks during 100% CPU load. So if anything, this shows there could be a power draw issue somewhere (perhaps an artificial cap placed by the bios?). It's not even about the CPU sustaining 100% load on all 4 cores, but rather the CPU being able to utilize 100% at full clock speed. I have to effectively reduce the CPU frequency by 400 mhz to get the GPU to run stable.
Settings used:
1. Prime 95: Small TFTs with 8 threads.
2. Furmark: 1600x900 (resolution doesn't really matter), 16xAA, stability test, xtreme burn, post processing.
3. ThrottleStop beta with the multiplier locked at 10x for the CPU (1330 MHz).
With the above settings, the CPU load is sustained at 100% and the GPU stays at stock clocks with a 100% load. John, I hope you can use that information and pass it on to the Dell engineer. -
Ok, Here is another real world example. This time its playing Left 4 Dead 2 on maximum settings. The game suddenly throttles at the game plays slow. Note, then it becomes playable again. Note, that it is exactly the same environment with exactly the same number of NPC's. That means it should perform the same, but the throttle is to blame.
Also, note, L4D2 is one of the most popular games right now. Its not synthetic -
I am SOOOO thankful you guys are posting that. Should mean Dell has to fix it, so I get to order
Yeah, dell wont have a choice soon enough, people need to test the heck outa games and get a big list goins
Funny, not long ago - people were flaming Joker and others - for blowing this out of proportion - Jesus you are paying over $1000 for this, it should be perfect and if not - at least be able to do what other computers costing a fraction of it do as standard.
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
The burden of proof is always thrust upon the consumer in situations like this. It is just how it works. Unfortunately that lends itself well to quite a bit of frustration when the discussion takes place in an open forum such as this one.
I knew I was seeing throttling in non-theoretical applications, and as a senior electrical engineer that works every day designing embedded electronics and single board computers the explanations raised red flags with me. :shrug: How do you share that experience in a concise way with others?
Hopefully in time this gets resolved, and we can get back to discussing more mundane issues -
Wattos What specs do you have? I wonder if it happens more with higher power consuming components ie 920 260 etc etc..
I will try out some of these games / apps to do my own testing this weekend and will also post the results..
I know I bish about this alot I wish someone would do this type of testing on the touchpad :S -
Never mind this extra post I found the answer earlier in the thread.
wondering the SSD transfer rate in your M15x. Mind to tell me or show me some graph about the SSD in ur M15x. Is the SSD OEM from Dell? ur help will be much appreciate -
10char -
Just wanted to pipe in with an update.
First, I wanted to be make sure everyone understood that there are two different behaviors being talked about in this thread, because it would appear that the two are being confused.
This system is equipped with NVIDIA's "PowerMizer" technology, which switches the graphic chipset between a lower and a higher power state depending upon the requirements of whatever software you're running. This technology ensures that the power usage of the system is actually reflecting the use the machine is seeing. When the graphics load is high, the GPU is in its higher power state. When it's low, it toggles to a lower power state. You can read more about this technology here:
The screenshots provided actually depict this behavior, and isn't abnormal. You should see similar behavior from any system with this technology.
The second behavior, which is what we are investigating, is where users are artificially stress the CPU to 100% on 4 or more cores, and is still being tested.
We should know more after the holidays, and I’ll keep you all informed. -
Powermizer doesn't throttle during 3D use, especially with the option to toggle max performance in the control panel (via power management mode in 3D settings). Sorry John but that isn't the case here. Both observed cases (synthetic and real world) are the result of throttling that is independent of powermizer.
Edit: Furthermore, here's a quote from nVidia:
Soviet Sunrise Notebook Prophet
If you guys want to experiment with disabling down-throttling, you can remove the lower levels in the GPU BIOS, or set all of them the same as your highest level. The GPU would have no lower clocks to fall back on. -
The GPU wouldn't drop to a lower power stAte like it's doing during gameplay, and people are seeing performance drops corresponding to those drops.
This might be Powermizer getting triggered when it shouldnt be, but this is NOT just under artificial circumstances from what multiple people have reported through logging.
Whoops, joker beate to it-I'm on my iPod -
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
The screenshots provided actually depict this behavior, and isn't abnormal.
PowerMizer should NOT be throttling the GPU while under a sustained high load (ie, while playing Assassin's Creed or L4D2 or touch077). When set to "Performance" power profile, PowerMizer appears to be disabled - at idle my GPU clocks are maxed and never decrease.
Now, if the people with the screenshots had PowerMiser enabled, you could counter-argue, "Well for THAT moment the game didn't need as much GPU power so the GPU downclocked to conserve energy." My response is, "Games are a random environment and the throttling displayed in the screens shots is cyclic - hence, no correlation can be drawn from them. The reduction in clock speed spans many seconds, and the framerate is noticeably slower during this period which flies in the face of what PowerMizer is designed to do."
Please try to do proper research before labeling our problems, or work with an engineer on the matter. For example, asking us if PowerMizer was even enabled. I realize these are complicated technologies, but as a representative from Dell you stand to do more harm than good by misinterpreting the facts and misreporting the data. Thanks. -
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
Here's hoping Dell's "solution," isn't to offer an, "upgrade," to the Arrandale CPUs with their lower power draw....
I'm completely happy with my system as it does what I need it to do in a very admirable fashion, but that does not negate the existence of this problem that is showing up in what amounts to a small amount of cases at the moment will only grow as time goes on and more real world examples are presented and software becomes more multithreaded.
Good stuff Joker on the downclocks for CPU to offer stability to the system which an Arrandale CPU will probably eliminate with its 35w vs. 45w draw.
Were we able to ever see someone with a 240M in their system run these tests to further isolate the problem areas? -
Unfortunately we have not had anyone with a 240M test yet. I'd guess they probably don't have the same problem since the 240M is a very cut down GPU.
dude, come on, i really appreciate you being here, but really?
if 100% cpu utilisation is unrealistic, and <100% real world usage & throttling is a power saving feature, what exactly is this incredibly expensive LED laden hunk actually meant for?
it seems it can't actually ever run at advertised? -
So, by default PowerMizer is DISABLED while plugged in. We can rule it out as a possible culprit I think.
Every engineer working on this has looked at those screenshots and confirmed that they are representative of PowerMizer working. PowerMizer is implemented differently dependent upon the needs of specific OEMs, so no, it is not disabled when the unit is plugged in, as I've been told.
As far as the unit not being able to run as advertized, this system has won several awards for gaming performance that say otherwise.
I'm on vacation, but I'll check back every day or two. -
Also the compared systems that have the same GPUs but dont experience this problem also have powermizer.
If you say its implemented by the oems then perhaps in this case they something wrong? -
Besides, most if not all of us are using nVidia's drivers and not Dell's OEM out of date ones. To Wattos and the other poster that experienced real world throttling, can you guys go ahead and disable powermizer via the registry and report back? I'm sure the results will be the same but this should quash any assertions of the throttling being related to powermizer.
P.S. If those engineers really are telling you this, I'd suggest Dell give all of them pink slips and send them packing. -
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
You Alienware owners will be in my short albeit makebelieve prayers :/
Just be glad you got out early and can wait out a fix if one ever arrives. I'm still within 21 days of my return period but I don't want to let this issue fall by the wayside in doing so. I'll ride it out and continue to help push for a fix. -
My head about exploded... that is *NOT* Powermizer working correctly. It might be Powermizer getting triggered somehow, but it should NOT be getting triggered at those times (ie while rendering a game, causing a drop in performance), and it does NOT do that on other notebooks, including my Asus.
I'm so frustrated here, since I assumed Dell's response would be "yeah, we realize there's a glitch and are working on a BIOS update" or the like, not these misunderstandings of what's going on or how the GPU throttles down if it's working correctly. -
Did Dell rep just say - powermizer is working as intended - that is, throttling back the GPU, when an intense application is being used?
Why isn't powermiser being used when you are idle then? Why are clocks at max speed? Surely that would make sense, for something made to be power efficient?
This is laughable. -
Soviet Sunrise Notebook Prophet
Count me in. That must be some powerful stuff they smoked.
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
Are we sure this Dell guy is actually from Dell? I am concerned we are all falling for a ruse. Cmon, this really cannot be happening
He's definitely from Dell. -
Soviet Sunrise Notebook Prophet
Dell guy, this is in the Whitepaper on the webpage you linked to Nvidia's site describing the capabilities of PowerMizer:
Maximum Performance
When an application calls for maximum performance, the GPU will set its operating
frequency at maximum. For high-intensity applications such as DirectX 10 games
and enterprise-class simulations, the driver will continuously monitor the utilization
of the GPU and determine whether to remain in maximum peformance mode or to
reduce clocks if the load on the GPU diminishes.
Can you explain how you and the engineers came to the conclusion you did when the Whitepaper supports our observations and not your own? If the downclock is caused by PowerMizer than it is incorrectly thinking less clocks are needed, and throttling to the detriment of the application at hand. Can you also explain why I see no downclocking when not playing a game?
I trust our confusion makes sense to you?
Thanks -
John is completely wrong and he can't explain it, neither can the clueless Dell engineers. I already proved that when the CPU multiplier (in the i820's case) is set to 10x, the GPU (at stock clocks) will not throttle and the CPU is able to sustain 100% load on all 4 cores indefinitely. However, I did further testing today and found that if I bumped up the GPU clocks slightly from stock while keeping the CPU multiplier at 10x, the GPU would again throttle.
What does the above tell you? It's a bios limitation or power draw issue! Will Dell fix it or continue to give us meaningless excuses? I think it's the latter and we're not going to get anywhere with this. It's a shame that Dell crippled their premier notebook line like this and then don't have the decency to admit it. I hope major websites start catching on and reporting about it. Let's see here: Dell studio xps 1645 throttles, their latitude line throttled (and they issued a bios fix but I hear it doesn't resolve it for everyone) and their M17x has DPC latency issues. Can this company do anything right? Dell needs to be put under the collective boot of the internet and maybe that will spur them on to clean up their act or at least hire some competent engineers. Right now they're doing a great job of destroying the Alienware brand value much like what HP did to Voodoo.
P.S. Guys, if you feel this is an important issue, start contacting major websites and tell them about it. A website called The Consumerist is a good place to start. -
For some reason it seems you would be a louder voice to them.. however I believe also many should contact at once. -
I have indeed begun contacting various outlets and have asked them to look into it. Let other websites examine the issue on their own and arrive at their own conclusions--which I'm very sure will parallel what the rest of us here have discovered. Again, I'd encourage the rest of you to do the same. -
Hi guys I have been following this thread for quite a while now. My interest due to being a prospective M15x owner.
I do believe that that major computer hardware and gaming websites should be notified. The main reason being that more people will be aware and more people will be able to test to find out what the issue is.
I will start to look into contacting major websites especially in countries where I frequently travel. ie US, UK, Singapore. -
It's already on Engadget and a few other sites so the message is getting out. No one has to tell them, they all read this forum, even quoted it from here.
Reposting this here so that it may be of some use.
Some data from World of Warcraft:
Important annotations:
- From start time to about 08:30 I was in Exodar (an out of the way "zone" that no one visits so not as many players and objects to render)
- From time 08:30 to the end, I was in Dalaran (the central "hub" of player activity in the game, very busy)
Code:Date , GPU Core Clock [MHz] , GPU Memory Clock [MHz] , GPU Shader Clock [MHz] , GPU Temperature [°C] , Memory Used [MB] , GPU Load [%] , Memory Controller Load [%] , Video Engine Load [%] , 2009-12-19 08:27:11 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 137 , 24 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:12 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 138 , 30 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:13 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 138 , 30 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:14 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 138 , 31 , 18 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:15 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 138 , 32 , 18 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:16 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 138 , 31 , 18 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:17 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 138 , 31 , 18 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:18 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 138 , 31 , 18 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:19 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 138 , 31 , 18 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:21 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 138 , 31 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:22 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 138 , 29 , 16 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:23 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 138 , 23 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:24 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 138 , 14 , 9 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:25 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 138 , 19 , 11 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:26 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 138 , 26 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:27 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 138 , 27 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:28 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 142 , 24 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:29 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 142 , 24 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:30 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 148 , 22 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:31 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 148 , 24 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:32 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 148 , 24 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:33 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 149 , 23 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:34 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 149 , 24 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:35 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 149 , 25 , 16 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:36 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 149 , 27 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:37 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 149 , 25 , 16 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:38 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 148 , 24 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:39 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 147 , 22 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:40 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 147 , 26 , 16 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:41 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 148 , 26 , 16 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:42 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 148 , 24 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:43 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 148 , 24 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:44 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 148 , 24 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:45 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 149 , 24 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:46 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 149 , 26 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:47 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 149 , 24 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:48 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 150 , 25 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:49 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 150 , 26 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:50 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 150 , 24 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:51 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 52.0 , 149 , 24 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:52 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 52.0 , 149 , 55 , 42 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:53 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 52.0 , 150 , 58 , 44 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:54 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 52.0 , 150 , 56 , 42 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:55 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 52.0 , 153 , 54 , 40 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:56 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 51.0 , 154 , 57 , 42 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:57 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 51.0 , 154 , 56 , 41 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:58 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 155 , 61 , 46 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:27:59 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 155 , 25 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:00 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 155 , 30 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:01 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 155 , 30 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:02 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 154 , 29 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:03 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 154 , 30 , 18 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:04 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 154 , 34 , 20 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:05 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 155 , 33 , 19 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:06 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 155 , 36 , 20 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:07 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 155 , 27 , 16 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:08 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 155 , 27 , 16 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:09 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 155 , 25 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:10 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 154 , 25 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:11 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 154 , 25 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:12 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 155 , 24 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:13 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 155 , 23 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:14 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 155 , 23 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:15 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 155 , 27 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:16 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 155 , 27 , 16 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:17 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 154 , 28 , 16 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:18 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 155 , 25 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:19 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 155 , 21 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:20 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 155 , 25 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:21 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 155 , 26 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:22 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 156 , 28 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:23 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 156 , 25 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:24 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 156 , 24 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:25 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 156 , 24 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:26 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 156 , 24 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:27 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 156 , 25 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:28 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 156 , 24 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:29 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 156 , 24 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:30 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 156 , 25 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:31 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 26 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:33 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 25 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:34 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 26 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:35 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 27 , 16 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:36 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 53.0 , 156 , 28 , 16 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:37 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 66 , 49 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:38 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 26 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:39 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 27 , 16 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:40 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 25 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:41 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 25 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:42 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 28 , 18 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:43 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 27 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:44 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 30 , 16 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:45 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 32 , 18 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:46 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 158 , 30 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:47 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 54.0 , 158 , 34 , 19 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:48 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 31 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:49 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 28 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:50 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 29 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:51 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 25 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:52 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 25 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:53 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 25 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:54 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 24 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:55 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 25 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:56 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 23 , 11 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:57 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 23 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:58 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 22 , 11 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:28:59 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 23 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:00 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 22 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:01 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 22 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:02 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 24 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:03 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 24 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:04 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 24 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:05 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 25 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:06 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 25 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:07 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 158 , 21 , 11 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:08 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 158 , 21 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:09 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 158 , 23 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:10 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 158 , 24 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:11 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 158 , 25 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:12 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 158 , 21 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:13 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 23 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:14 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 26 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:15 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 23 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:16 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 23 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:17 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 21 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:18 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 22 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:19 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 22 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:20 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 23 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:21 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 52.0 , 157 , 25 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:22 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 52.0 , 157 , 58 , 43 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:23 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 63 , 47 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:24 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 23 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:25 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 25 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:26 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 26 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:27 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 26 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:28 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 25 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:29 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 25 , 16 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:30 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 25 , 16 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:31 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 157 , 25 , 16 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:32 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 25 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:33 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 21 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:34 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 23 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:35 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 22 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:36 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 24 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:37 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 24 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:38 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 24 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:39 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 23 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:40 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 22 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:41 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 22 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:42 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 158 , 22 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:43 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 158 , 22 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:44 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 158 , 22 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:46 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 158 , 23 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:47 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 24 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:48 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 23 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:49 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 158 , 25 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:50 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 158 , 25 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:51 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 21 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:52 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 23 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:53 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 26 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:54 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 158 , 26 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:55 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 28 , 16 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:56 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 158 , 23 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:57 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 22 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:58 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 22 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:29:59 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 22 , 12 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:00 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 161 , 23 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:01 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 161 , 21 , 13 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:02 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 161 , 24 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:03 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 161 , 25 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:04 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 161 , 25 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:05 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 160 , 24 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:06 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 52.0 , 160 , 25 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:07 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 52.0 , 159 , 50 , 38 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:08 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 67 , 51 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:09 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 25 , 15 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:10 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 28 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:11 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 28 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:12 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 27 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:13 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 27 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:14 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 27 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:15 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 54.0 , 159 , 27 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:16 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 159 , 28 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:17 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 54.0 , 158 , 27 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:18 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 54.0 , 158 , 28 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:19 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 130 , 28 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:20 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 131 , 12 , 8 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:21 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 131 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:22 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 143 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:23 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 179 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:24 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 206 , 3 , 1 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:25 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 230 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:26 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 255 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:27 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 272 , 3 , 1 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:28 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 276 , 17 , 14 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:29 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 284 , 5 , 4 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:30 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 291 , 15 , 10 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:31 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 313 , 14 , 9 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:32 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 317 , 15 , 10 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:33 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 319 , 16 , 10 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:34 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 322 , 15 , 10 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:35 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 327 , 12 , 8 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:36 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 329 , 18 , 11 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:37 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 339 , 19 , 11 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:38 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 344 , 18 , 8 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:39 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 346 , 14 , 7 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:40 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 349 , 18 , 8 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:41 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 349 , 17 , 8 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:42 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 348 , 19 , 9 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:43 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 356 , 20 , 10 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:44 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 365 , 15 , 7 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:45 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 369 , 20 , 9 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:46 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 368 , 21 , 9 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:47 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 53.0 , 368 , 21 , 9 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:48 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 370 , 16 , 7 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:49 , 550.0 , 950.0 , 1350.0 , 52.0 , 370 , 16 , 7 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:50 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 52.0 , 369 , 19 , 8 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:51 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 52.0 , 368 , 39 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:52 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 51.0 , 368 , 39 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:53 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 51.0 , 370 , 33 , 22 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:54 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 51.0 , 368 , 34 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:55 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 51.0 , 367 , 39 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:56 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 51.0 , 366 , 40 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:58 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 51.0 , 371 , 40 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:30:59 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 51.0 , 372 , 37 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:00 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 374 , 34 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:01 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 374 , 39 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:02 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 376 , 43 , 28 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:03 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 381 , 38 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:04 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 382 , 41 , 27 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:05 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 383 , 34 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:06 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 384 , 32 , 22 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:07 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 385 , 31 , 21 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:08 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 384 , 36 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:09 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 383 , 39 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:10 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 382 , 31 , 21 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:11 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 383 , 29 , 19 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:12 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 382 , 34 , 22 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:13 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 382 , 36 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:14 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 383 , 36 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:15 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 373 , 38 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:16 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 373 , 39 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:17 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 374 , 40 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:18 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 376 , 37 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:19 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 375 , 40 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:20 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 377 , 39 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:21 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 383 , 40 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:22 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 384 , 35 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:23 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 384 , 38 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:24 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 384 , 40 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:25 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 382 , 37 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:26 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 381 , 29 , 20 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:27 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 382 , 35 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:28 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 382 , 37 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:29 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 381 , 35 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:30 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 381 , 40 , 28 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:31 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 379 , 32 , 22 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:32 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 383 , 38 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:33 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 383 , 43 , 29 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:34 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 382 , 40 , 27 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:35 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 388 , 42 , 27 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:36 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 389 , 43 , 28 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:37 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 389 , 43 , 28 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:38 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 389 , 41 , 27 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:39 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 389 , 43 , 28 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:40 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 388 , 43 , 28 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:41 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 387 , 34 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:42 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 387 , 44 , 31 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:43 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 384 , 43 , 31 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:44 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 384 , 37 , 27 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:45 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 383 , 40 , 29 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:46 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 382 , 37 , 27 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:47 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 381 , 35 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:48 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 383 , 41 , 29 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:49 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 384 , 42 , 29 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:50 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 382 , 43 , 31 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:51 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 381 , 45 , 33 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:52 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 50.0 , 384 , 20 , 16 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:53 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 384 , 32 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:54 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 384 , 39 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:55 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 386 , 39 , 27 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:56 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 386 , 41 , 28 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:57 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 387 , 32 , 22 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:58 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 386 , 36 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:31:59 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 386 , 36 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:00 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 386 , 44 , 29 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:01 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 391 , 30 , 19 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:02 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 391 , 32 , 21 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:03 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 394 , 39 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:04 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 394 , 39 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:05 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 394 , 41 , 28 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:06 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 394 , 40 , 28 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:07 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 394 , 30 , 22 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:08 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 394 , 37 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:10 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 397 , 39 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:11 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 396 , 36 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:12 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 397 , 36 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:13 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 399 , 47 , 29 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:14 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 400 , 47 , 31 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:15 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 401 , 51 , 33 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:16 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 401 , 45 , 30 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:17 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 401 , 42 , 27 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:18 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 400 , 33 , 22 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:19 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 398 , 36 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:20 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 399 , 36 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:21 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 398 , 35 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:22 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 397 , 38 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:23 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 396 , 31 , 20 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:24 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 394 , 33 , 21 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:25 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 394 , 35 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:26 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 393 , 36 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:27 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 393 , 36 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:28 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 393 , 32 , 22 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:29 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 394 , 36 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:30 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 398 , 37 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:31 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 399 , 40 , 27 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:32 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 399 , 38 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:33 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 403 , 35 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:34 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 403 , 25 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:35 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 402 , 28 , 20 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:36 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 402 , 33 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:37 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 400 , 38 , 27 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:38 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 396 , 40 , 28 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:39 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 395 , 37 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:40 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 387 , 38 , 27 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:41 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 387 , 37 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:42 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 387 , 37 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:43 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 386 , 37 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:44 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 385 , 27 , 19 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:45 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 384 , 32 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:46 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 385 , 32 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:47 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 385 , 34 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:48 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 385 , 32 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:49 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 384 , 31 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:50 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 384 , 36 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:51 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 384 , 39 , 28 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:52 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 383 , 41 , 29 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:53 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 387 , 39 , 27 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:54 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 388 , 35 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:55 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 390 , 33 , 21 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:56 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 390 , 39 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:57 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 390 , 40 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:58 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 49.0 , 390 , 41 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:32:59 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 390 , 38 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:00 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 389 , 32 , 22 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:01 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 388 , 40 , 27 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:02 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 387 , 44 , 29 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:03 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 387 , 44 , 29 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:04 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 388 , 43 , 29 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:05 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 388 , 26 , 18 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:06 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 387 , 28 , 20 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:07 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 386 , 31 , 22 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:08 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 387 , 39 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:09 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 387 , 39 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:10 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 385 , 29 , 21 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:11 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 389 , 31 , 21 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:12 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 390 , 37 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:13 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 392 , 34 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:14 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 392 , 34 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:15 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 396 , 26 , 17 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:16 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 397 , 32 , 21 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:17 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 398 , 35 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:18 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 398 , 37 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:19 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 397 , 34 , 22 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:20 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 396 , 28 , 18 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:22 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 397 , 36 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:23 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 396 , 36 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:24 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 393 , 36 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:25 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 394 , 35 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:26 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 395 , 29 , 19 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:27 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 395 , 33 , 22 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:28 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 400 , 37 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:29 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 400 , 36 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:30 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 399 , 38 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:31 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 401 , 31 , 21 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:32 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 401 , 35 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:33 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 400 , 41 , 28 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:34 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 397 , 39 , 27 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:35 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 397 , 41 , 28 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:36 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 397 , 34 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:37 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 397 , 32 , 22 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:38 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 397 , 38 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:39 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 397 , 39 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:40 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 395 , 35 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:41 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 395 , 39 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:42 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 395 , 36 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:43 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 394 , 34 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:44 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 395 , 35 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:45 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 395 , 37 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:46 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 395 , 37 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:47 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 395 , 33 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:48 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 395 , 39 , 28 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:49 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 394 , 39 , 27 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:50 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 394 , 40 , 28 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:51 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 393 , 41 , 29 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:52 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 393 , 35 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:53 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 392 , 42 , 29 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:54 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 392 , 41 , 28 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:55 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 392 , 37 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:56 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 392 , 34 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:57 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 391 , 28 , 20 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:58 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 391 , 28 , 20 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:33:59 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 394 , 31 , 22 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:00 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 395 , 34 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:01 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 395 , 36 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:02 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 394 , 29 , 20 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:03 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 394 , 32 , 22 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:04 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 394 , 35 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:05 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 393 , 37 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:06 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 393 , 38 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:07 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 393 , 36 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:08 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 393 , 34 , 23 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:09 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 393 , 37 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:10 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 392 , 47 , 30 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:11 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 390 , 47 , 30 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:12 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 391 , 46 , 30 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:13 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 391 , 37 , 24 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:14 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 392 , 44 , 28 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:15 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 391 , 38 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:16 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 391 , 39 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:17 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 391 , 38 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:18 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 390 , 39 , 25 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:19 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 389 , 42 , 27 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:20 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 389 , 40 , 26 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:21 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 390 , 40 , 27 , 0 , 2009-12-19 08:34:22 , 383.0 , 301.0 , 767.0 , 48.0 , 388 , 39 , 26 , 0 ,
System specifications:
Intel Core i7 720QM
nVidia GeForce GTX 260M
4 GB DDR @ 1333 MHz
Windows 7 Home Premium x64 -
CitizenPanda Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
That's about right. In this thread is a post by me detailing the GPU clock variances while sitting in Dalaran but with a 920XM where the dips were more pronounced yet gameplay is fine in game.
What I think is happening is that at 1600x900 the load on the GPU is lesser than at 1920x1080 (as resolution drops for gaming, the load on the GPU lessens and increases for the CPU) and while the clocks dip the notice in performance is negligible, but at 1920x1080 with the GPU being more of a factor, the decline in performance is more noticeable.
To verify this, actually *play* with your resolution set at 1600x900 as a test. If this is true, your play should be much smoother in raids and such and your frames per second should at most dip into the 40's (unless it is a high population area / loading where it even chokes on my desktop while sorting everything out).
And yeah, that blows. -
It seems to be a little better, but still not acceptable.
Getting 17-18 FPS in Dalaran now instead of 9-10
Think I'm just going to have it returned since it's scratching my discs anyway. I'll just stick with my desktop and buy a bargain bin laptop for now and try again if/when the issue is solved. -
I dunno if this will help, but i own a Toshiba X205-S9349 and i have a similar problem when i stress my gpu while its overclocked.
base clock is 625/1250/700, i run it at 750/1500/840. When its running OC'd and is stressed too much, it downclocks to and stays at the low power 3d clock settings(275/550/300).
A simple fix i found to this problem was running a 720p or 1080p HD video(H264 or X264 played with MPlayer Classic using DXVA) in the background, leaving it paused and minimized, when i do this, somehow it never throttles down or even if does, only momentarily before the clocks go back up..
BTW, i really hope they fix this soon coz really looking forward to getting a M15x.. -
Electrosoft, if you could document your throttling via GPU-z that would be very helpful. I will be posting links to end user results on the first post. I've also done some cleaning up of the first post to make it easier to read.
Thanks everyone. -
AW M15x Throttling Issue Investigation - Stock clocks and overclocked.
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by 5150Joker, Dec 2, 2009.