Just FYI I have confirmed via Dell engineering that unless the bios/system is designed to use a higher rated power adaptor it would not make a difference when using a 240w. So indeed even Jokers testing from prior doesnt really matter as nothing changed in the bios as of then that would have allowed it to work.
The recent resolution on the Studio XPS backs that up.
Dell finally makes right, offers up-rated power adapters to close the Studio Throttlegate -- Engadget
It was resolved by a bios / adaptor upgrade. However nothing has been tested on this new bios, but I dont think anything has changed in A07 regarding this though.
On a more positive note I have been pressuring Dell to check out this option as aparently the team working on the AW have nothing to do with the Studios. They indeed are looking in to it.
Haha LOL, my bad, I did not see that recent Dell Rep Post
Well at least there is now something official backing up my words -
It's been a while since I've posted but since Dell is actually acknowledging the problem I'll give it another shot. I can pretty much get my system to throttle with just about any graphic intensive game I've played and 3DMark Vantage (during the physics part of the test). Now I don't know if the CPU is throttling as I've only confirmed it with GPU-z. But the throttling is extremely visible in L4D2. It doesn't have to be a certain area in the game either, its a constant cycle. Usually around 20 seconds of throttle free gaming, followed by 10 seconds of throttling. I like to keep my settings high in most games, and this seems to make it worse. Just FYI, I've confirmed throttling in the following games, listed in order of worst affected to not affected at all:
I listed them from highest to lowest order of in game throttling. Almost all games have been verified with GPU-z and FPS counters. It also seems like if the raise the settings in game, the longer the throttling lasts, and it appears more frequently. I can also confirm that RivaTuner fixes the throttling of the GPU. I never did do anything to block the CPU from getting throttled, since I never checked to see if it was throttling.
L4D2 (worst)
Crysis 1&2 (worst)
Star Trek Online (mostly on land, not that noticeable when in space)
DragonAge (it throttled but not nearly as bad as L4D2 or Crysis)
WoW (rarely ever throttled if at all)
3DMark Vantage (only during the physics tests)
BluRay playback (no throttling)
I'll try to get a screen shot of GPU-z during L4D2, just to confirm. Actually I might have posted it earlier in this thread....I'll look
I'm glad to see Dell acknowledge this, as most of us have been complaining about this for months. We're a picky bunch, but we expect our top of the line computers, to get top of the line support. With the way Dell is getting hammered in the corporate world, I'd hate to see them take down a name as well respected as Alienware. If they can get this right, it'll be a step in the right direction.
Edit: Added a GPU-z log from a L4D2 session back in January. This should be BIOS A02.
BIOS A03 made it much worse, which is what I'm currently running. Tonight I took 3 different screenshots of my system throttling in L4D2. I was standing still looking at a wall for each screenshot. All taken with in a minute of each other. During throttling the clocks were reduced to 383/300/766. "Throttle1" jpg is with my Razer keyboard and mouse attached, and screen brightness maxed out. "Throttle2" is without any peripherals (i.e. usb keybard/mouse) and screen at minimum brightness. "Throttle3" is again without peripherals, but screen at max brightness again. Clearly, its power related, as my system doesn't as much with less power being drawn from the monitor and usb attachments. But combo all of these up, with a 920XM/260GTX combo, and you're performing slightly better than a tarted up (backlit keyboard) Commodore 64.Attached Files:
Couldn't fit all attachents in one post. So here are the next to screenshots I refered to in my previous post.
Attached Files:
its a shame the 240watt adapter does not work properly due to the bios because if the specs are correct on both the m15x and m17x manual, it should work fine...
also like rev said, using a larger adapter with the same voltage but more current is fine. The danger is actually in the opposite in fact. Having the computer try to draw too much current is dangerous and will usually trigger the overload safety in the adapter.
this happened to me while stress testing the 920xm and gtx260 at stock clocks and the 260 volt modded a little higher. -
I could plug in a 1000W adapter and it still would be fine. It would just mean that the laptop can draw 1000W if it required to.
EDIT: here is my L4D2 screen throttling screen I made 5 months ago:
http://forum.notebookreview.com/5636295-post405.html -
I get throttling in X3 reunion. Does anyone else get this?
Engineers (two) told me that even if u put a 240w on the system the bios will not allow it to work properly even if the power draw is needed. Much like the studio series that just was recently fixed. They had to update the bios to allow the use of their adaptor fix. -
Also how do you guys get L4D2 to throttle? Just start playing and it happens right away? -
if you are fine with your current drivers and bios, then you don't need to update it, since it really doesn't do anything.
Got a little improvement while running 3Dmark06, from 11300 to 12000. Nice, think I'll keep the drivers.
Was just told by a tech after 1 hour on the phone that this throttle issue only occurs on the 920 and im SOL since it doesnt exist on mine.. So i asked him if he wanted to remote in and i can recreate it for him..
Yeap.. doesn't occur on 720.. lol?
All I have running is Furmark.. nothing else.Attached Files:
Get him/her in remote and show this and ask to be compensated for an 940XM and a 5870
lol joking but really next time show this to him/her.
As a note, you are recording GPU(260M) throttling NOT CPU(720QM). Use ThrottleStop or a similar tool to log CPU. -
They keep saying its my power adapter.. and a new adapter is coming in tomorrow (was supposed to be here today).. so now i wait till tomorrow.. then the supervisor i spoke with today isnt working until 7 pm.. (said hed call me before 9pm)
Just getting such a run around and wasting time. I can't believe they are sending me a power adapter for no reason.
So frustrated with their support right now -
Hi dose the 260m gtx throating with any i7 processor.
i think that with the 620 m it doesn´t, with 720qm and the others it normallu trothles, but in games it isn´n noticiable with the 720qm
JFYI, went back to the 258.96 drivers from nvidia and got another small improvement under 3dmark06 with a07 bios. Went from 12.000 to 12.300, so I'll keep these now and not dell's recently released beta drivers.
Does It have problem with Intel Core i7 840QM Quad Core Processor? Do you have any good news about GTX 260M, I only heard about bad things. I'm not gamer. I don't want send my baby back. I have to wait it a long time.
***************** -
yes you will see throttling with the 260 and i7 combo. i think only the 620 is not affected.
i7 Processor will be affected without playing games, like photoshop, or 20 applications are running at the same time.
You are correct about CPU part but AFAIK 260M throttles independent of CPU, so he'll throttle regardless of 620M or 840QM.
i haven't seen anyone with 620 or lower reporting throttling with the 260. but you could still be right.
hahah i was here at the very beginning of this problem, i was such a noob back then, hahahhaha -
Ya.. well hopefully my NBD warranty will get me something by next week.. LOL
But Ya I await my 9pm call tonight and we will see what happens. -
So great news.. Dell finally agreed to send me a 5850.. Was told that I should get a call monday to set up an appointment.
Will post here once the 5850 is installed and tested. -
How you can ask Dell send you 5850?
You call them? -
They don't need any reason,right?
isn't throttling a reason.
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
Okay this conversation is getting ridiculous
Uhmm any news on throttling other than the long awaited BIOS wasn't the BIOS we were looking for? -
Hi there guys i've been reading this thread for 2 days now only if i knew about this throttling issue i wouldn't have ordered my m15x with the GTX260 M. I remember when i was placing the order couldnt decide for a good time period of over 20 min whether to get the ATI 5850 or the GTX 260M.Anyways I received my machine 2 days ago with the final decision of picking the 260M bad choice. The config. of my system is: I7 840QM | 4gb RAM| 500GB hdd| GTX260 M | 9-cell Battery| FWHD 15.6" 1080p
So as soon as i got my laptop i decided to go and get Starcraft 2 and give it a try i was really curious how this machine would run the game and my expectations were high and of course the machine proved me so. Performance was outstanding for the first day i had a great time playing the first couple of mission in campaign mode. Next day when i turned my laptop on decided to play 1 quick game and guess what the game was lagging like crazy with the same video options i was using from the previous day considering the fact that i was running the game at max resolution the first day but the second the i could not play the game normal even at low settings. So i am gessuing that this is a throttling issue. One thing i dont understand is when i restarted my laptop and plugged it in the AC adapter the game was running fine again is this throttling issue only happening if you run application on battery or am i supposed to be getting at even if i am having my ac adapter plugged in. -
Welcome to the forums. Have a read here:
If I were you I would send back the M15x, and get a new one with the 5850 (as long as you dont need CUDA). Tell them you want to order a machine with different specs, and they wont charge you the restocking fee.
To answer your questions: The machine is downclocked on battery. You also have to be carefull on not running on stealth mode. -
what is not intentional is having a game throttle back while your ac adapter is plugged in for no apparent reason at all, not only that, it throttles back and forth from min to max clocks. jokers pic in the first post of this thread best describes it (the one of gpu-z). -
For some reason I noticed after playing Dragon Age for a few hours my fps suddenly dropped. I had to restart the game in order to resume performance. I know the 5850 isn't supposed to throttle but why do you think such a dip in fps occurred?
try using throttlestop
yes cpu throttling is seperate.
AW M15x Throttling Issue Investigation - Stock clocks and overclocked.
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by 5150Joker, Dec 2, 2009.