I tipped Engadget about the throttling (as well as the trackpad issues), hoping they'll post it and get Dell's attention. Maybe you guys can tip them too, it might give us a better chance of some coverage, and hopefully some solutions eventually.
nice work jwest, they did an article few months back about the issue, so who did you contact?
Ok, thanks for the comforting^^ Yup JWEST, good move, we shall start a full on petition.
wow the revolt is back lol good work JWest
Sign me up!
what ever you need jwest, we are behind you all the way. i tried to make a petition a few weeks back but not many people seemed to care about it.
@Thenzfarmer, out of interest is your 920xm an OEM or ES processor? I have heard stories about ES processors having issues with various boards (although I am using 2 ES e5420's in a server just fine).
I was a little concerned because I specifically underspec'd my new m15x with an i3 330m processor as I was going to put a 920xm into it however I have decided against that and instead got myself an i7 620M instead.
My m15x is due next week (and the cpu and memory upgrade have shipped as well already) so I will feed back if I get any throttling issues as well (I may well replace the TIM on the 5850 when replacing the cpu). -
thewhitewizard Notebook Evangelist
sign me up... as well... I am with u guys on this...
Hi SimonD. I am using an ES processor, which worked fine until the BIOS update.
I have had a read around for known issues with ES processors myself and when they fail, they crash and burn all the way.
Sounds like you have some good stuff coming your way!
I have decided to ship my system to them (AW) with the 920xm ES equipped so that they figure out what the issue is.
I need an answer and if that's what's needed, why not risk it.
Please keep us updated and I will do the same -
JWest, we need the link
or did you just send your comments to the "tip us" tab on the Home page @ Engadget.com?
I just sent the comment to their tip link at the top of the page.
I'll test my m15x for throttling when I get it (720QM, 5850). I don't think I've seen anyone in this thread have throttling issues with the 5850, but the i7 could still have throttling issues, correct?
Double post
We have found that the 720 or even 820 don't really have throttling issues.
This is no general statement of course. But with a 720 and an ATI you might be on safe shores
Keep us updated if you may. -
Ok people listen up.. There seems to be good news of sorts. ( I hope )
A person at Alienware has finally heard me out on this after two months of dealing with them. They are higher up a bit, and also have been directly communicating with Engineering and R & D. She has also admitted 100% they can recreate the problem and also admitted it is a bigger problem they they knew.
The people I am working with now are very open to any input from users experiencing any type of abnormal throttling. So if you need to find out how to contact the correct people regarding this please feel free to PM Me.
I hope something comes of this and will report any thing interesting that happens.
On another note regarding getting things done in the R & D world..
Here is a link about the the Low polling touch pad issue plaguing the M17x and M15x. It seems that a Dell rep has posted his email and is asking that people reply etc to get this issue resolved... Again acknowledging a issue and now in process of fixing it. Perhaps that process can happen with the Throttling. After all it is a bit more crippling... One can hope.
So keep the feedback and experiences coming! -
However that might not work as Im pretty sure Joker tried and Im sure others have as well. The petition would work if you could educate people about the petition as well as the fact that their system might throttle and they might not even know it.
In my opinion this problem mixed with the touchpad polling issue is not acceptable on such a high end system. It would be wrong for these to be just swept under the rug.
Im down for a petition... It would help my case for sure. As stated above I already have this open case regarding this, going back a few months now. -
The crappy thing is, I don't think the throttling can be fixed without not only new BIOS but a new power adapter as well. They'd have to recall the current adapters and replace them with something like 160W instead of 150W. At least that's what it seems like to me. From what I've heard, if you force both the GPU and CPU to not throttle through the various throttling fixes, you run the risk of overloading the power adapter.
Just crap. All I can think from Dell right now. I have an Alienware, M15X, just got 3 weeks ago. Same issue as everyone, horrible performance when doing something else that is not word, excel, or internet. I cant believe this machine, that is supposed to be one of the best in its category, would not even compare with older Core 2 Duos. This is my third problem with a dell system, previously I owned a Studio Xps 13, that had constant blue screens, and just 3 weeks ago, a Dell Studio 1556, that would constantly stall. This company is just terrible, in all aspects. I really recommend people, to analyze other options when buying a laptop, whatever your needs are. Dell just demonstrate how badly is organized, how poorly their RD department works, and how irresponsible they handle costumer satisfaction.
have you checked that stealth mode is not enabled?
use this app to check if it is. its down the page in a download link. great app for detecting this issue. also is your power plan set to high performance? -
Yeah, it may be stealth mode. What we're talking about is rare, intermittent performance problems.
i have seen a Clevo with a similar configuration is used with a power supply of 120 watts, why the m15x with a power of 150 w having problems? I do not understand , 150 should be sufficient
I just spent 1.5 hours on the phone with French Tech-support located in Casablanca.
A technician will come over on Wednesday with a new motherboard and GPU.
See if that fixes anything. -
I don't know the exact numbers for the Alienware 150 watt adapter but I can pretty much guarantee you that Dell is doing the same thing with these. Power consumption can change instantaneously so to avoid a user going over 150 watts DC out, they use throttling of the CPU or GPU or both to prevent the adapter from ever crossing that magic number. If it does go over that number, there is a trip feature built into these adapters so it will shut off before it is damaged. If this ever happens then usually if you power cycle the adapter by unplugging it and plugging it back in, this will reset the adapter and get it working again. To avoid this ever happening and to prevent damage to their power adapters, Dell uses severe throttling at times to keep well within the rated DC power specs of their adapters. -
Lets hope they figure out the problem easily and with low cost lol. -
However it seems they are going to look at it further.. I think they realized I wouldnt shut up lol.. and I dont accept refunds.
It doesnt seem right this problem exists on this brand. -
and if all the m15x users that there is in notebookreview present a complain about it?
well i can't complain as i can't get mine to throttle as mine doesn't use that much power to cause throttling. But if i had a maxed out M15X and had throttling i would be angry and would be complaining daily imo.
totally agreed, but for the others that have the problem, it would be good
im completely behind any petition that gets moving or if you need support to get dell moving on a fix "you got it!"
I know DeeX gj on getting dell to confirm that its a problem now to get something done about so dell fixes this.
xD C'est la Revolution!
Im supporting you. Its a pain in the that someone who maxxed out their M15x gets a throttling pc.
and what about getting a new power supply at your own risk? its possible?
then there is no choice but to wait for a response from dell
its most likely a limitation build into the bios for safety measures, but not really confirmed.
I'm still seeing throttling in Demigod, even with lower clocks
My card is still OC'd, just not as far as I know it's capable of. C'mon Dell, let us use all those 150W please... -
Well since bios A06 Borderlands throttles when dirt graphics happen mainly with spidernauts and large skags so no i have a valid reason to be angry at dell for a gimped high end machine.
Just sent this to Dell's Direct2Dell blog:
Sound good folks? -
wow great job, can't find your post the the blog. hopefully dell realizes the M15x is a important part of it line up. seems only the M17x and M11x get all the attention now a days.
No, it's not posted to the blog, but I sent it to them via their "contact us" link off to the side. I don't think random Joe's like myself can post on the blog, I'm pretty sure it's only Dell's employees.
AW M15x Throttling Issue Investigation - Stock clocks and overclocked.
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by 5150Joker, Dec 2, 2009.