So im highly anxious for FF14 and i ordered a M15x to play this.
i really wanted to get an idea of how it would run (yes i know benchmark is a bit of a fluke) but iam curious anybody got results?
My specs
intel 840QM 4GB RAM 5850 1080p 9 cell the rest is stock
on my dell lappy i have now i got 1200 on low
core 2 duo 2.4
Ati 4330 256mb
4gb ram
There is already a thread with some results over here:
Unfortunately it isn't in the M15x section but the OP has an M15x. -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Trust me when I say this, but don't count on the benchmark to give you an anywhere reasonable score for what you have. Its pretty badly optimized. Its gonna run fine on high. I bought mine for FFXIV too
my results on low 4k+
Results on high ( I looped it)
1st: 3000
2nd: 3680
3rd: 4200
4th 3800
5th 4700
As you can see, as far as consistancy goes, this benchmark does its own thing. -
lol kidding
I get between 2000-2200 on stock clocks. If I overclock I get 2700-3000. I blame the i5. Both of those on high.
IDK guess ill see when it ccomes out...
thanks brian rep+
btw i watched your unboxing -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
/10char -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Ill post this in bold this time.
The benchmark is POORLY OPTIMIZED! You could have the most powerful system in the world and it will still post an inaccurate score.
Seriously guys, if ANY of you own an Alienware M15x (Which im sure you do), your gonna be able to play this game on high-maxed settings (depending on CPU (dual or quad)). -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
A bit off topic but i keep watching unboxing videos lol, only 3 more days (in like an hour) until my M15X arrives!
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
yay someone linked my thread
I put it in general alienware because I wanted to see what everyeone else was getting including those with m17xs that and I wanted to know if I had a bottle neck. but yeah as breaking brian has said that benchmark tool is inaccurate. -
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
The Revelator Notebook Prophet
Plus, Inap has the 920XM, although the FFXIV benchmark is not at all processor intensive. The 820 barely gets out of the low 50's during the test.
Nah, that benchmark is stupid. I have the 920XM and get a similar score.
Also, if FFXIV really was demanding, then they would be shooting themselves in the legs. MMos need to target a huge gamer base if they want to be compete with Wow. Targetting people with high end machines is bound to fail.
I mean, a lot of people play wow on prev-prev-generation notebooks... -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
/10 char. -
The Windows version will utilise DirectX 9 and have support for Windows 7, 64 bit operating systems and multi-core processors. The game is designed with current high-end PCs in mind as the developers want the game to still look good in five years time. The graphics will be designed for the PC and then altered to fit the console versions, suggesting the PC version will look better in certain areas. One difference is that the console version will only be 720p whereas the PC version will have a variety of resolutions including 1080p. The game will support 3D and multiple screens.
Minimum System Requirements
On June 30th 2010, the minimum system requirements were released for the retail version of the game. You will need a PC capable of the following:
Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7.
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz or AMD Athlon X2 2GHz.
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9600 512MB or ATI Radeon HD 2900 512MB and DirectX 9.
Memory: 2GB of RAM.
Disk Space: 15GB.
Final Fantasy XIV will run on these, but it may not run smoothly in demanding gameplay scenarios such as when a large amount of players are around you with lots of special effects going off. You will have to turn the settings down.
Recommended System Requirements
On July 21st 2010, the recommended system requirements were released. These requirements are for you to run the game smoothly with the following settings:
Window Size and Display Mode 1280x720 (720p) (Windowed)
Ambient Occlusion OFF
Depth of Field ON
Shadow Detail Standard
Multisampling 4x MSAA <<-- most probably won't turn this on
Buffer Size Window Size
Texture Quality High
Texture Filtering High
The hardware that Square Enix recommends for you to use with these settings and run the game smoothly are as follows:
Operating System: Windows 7 32-bit/64-bit.
Processor: Intel Core i7 2.66GHz or higher. *
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or better with VRAM 768MB or more and DirectX 9. **
Memory: 4GB of RAM.
Disk Space: 15GB.
* We'd like to add that the AMD equivalent is a Phenom II X6 1055T
** We'd like to add that the ATI equivalent is a Radeon HD 5830 card with 1GB VRAM.
EDIT: So I think if we scratch the Multi-Sampling, we can expect to probably run it on Medium settings....? -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
I'm running it maxed when I get this game. I don't care what the specs predict. I know that sounds lol-able, but just you guys wait and see!
Recommended system requirements are for probably high-veryhigh and their description of recommended processor fits my 620M lol.
My rig will consist of the 620m/5850 combo, although I was going to install an x84 version of Win7 due to compatibility issues experienced with certain games running a x64 OS. However, If it's going to be supported I may leave things as it is. -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
The game is being optimized for quad cores
My 740M is gonna nail this game to the ground!
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
yea it'll be fine. -
I foudn this on the FFXIV forums, if thats true 720/740QMs will have hard time :S
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Remember the i7 Quads can clock up on their own to well over 2.0 ghz regardless. -
It seems Lozz may be right with this post :S
However he is talking about 720QM. 740QM is a bit better and its about 0.1 ghz higher than both 720QM and required specs. -
yes!!! im so ready then...840qm with OC and my GDDR5 goodness...all i need is to replace the thermal compound mx 3 hehe thanks brian..
ima game like hell!!!!
even at school i go 1 1/2 hour to gym thats all to graduate early.. -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
People have been running the Beta 1.0 -3.0 on M11x's on absurdly high settings (no option to clock down) with the average of 15-40 FPS depending on the population of the area (combat isnt an issue). The fact that SE would actually create a game where only the most up to date system can play it is simply stupid on their part.
It may be a distance away, but once I get this game I shalt max it out and record it in all its glory.
Actually the open Beta is commencing soon so never mind about that delayYou can bet that I'll be busting out some videos!
breaking brian,
I have a m17x coming to me in a few days that has crossfire 5870s and the 720 do you think itll run it on high allright? -
if an m11x with a 1.2 quad core can run it you will be fine no worries. -
We'll all find out in a months time. Make no mistake the minimum system requirements are low enough that everyone can run the game.
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
sounds great guys
how about me brian,
do you think i will be able to play this,lol
hahhaha man looks like you got this thread on lock down, heheheheh -
LOL, recommended setting for RAM is 4gb?
Crazy game... looks like I need to get a 6gb instead. -
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
@ Lozz
I don't know how to multiquote so here we go.
If a M11x can pull of 15FPS on Beta settings (basically stressing) then by all means us M15x users will have NO issues. Not to mention I have a buddy in the latest Beta (3.0 I believe) and his Sager (very similar specs) is running it maxed FLAWLESSLY. Keep in mind, its the beta so they're still optimizing it come September.
Have YOU ever played FFXI? It doesnt matter how many darn parties there are, framerates remained high and I've seen many an empty area through out my travels with the exceptions being the main ports. And remember this is on a M11x and what do you mean theres not enough population? You have the whole damn server logging on at once and remaining on until the Beta time limit is up, if anything thats MORE stressful that the end game is going to be (once all servers are accessable).
Anyways. NEXT
Any MMO you find anywhere is much more dependent on the CPU than the GPU, this is fact. I've monitored Guildwars, Aion, WoW, FFXI and even some craptastic ones. Out of all of these games the CPU was always the bottle neck (on my desktops Dual Core regardless). Thus being so its only logical to make the statement in which Quad cores will be fully supported and give an EXTREME performance boost compaired to other said processors. And of COURSE a more expensive processor will perform better. I don't deny this, I do wish I had an extra 900 bucks laying around for the 9xxXM upgrade, but I didnt. What I have will work brilliantly and thats all I care about (among other things).
Recommended settings. Yes i've priced out their recommended settings... Recommended for what exactly? Increasing partnering compaines revenue perhaps? Of course they only list Intel and Nvidia on their offical site. This is where I get angry. Sure you can list the ATI/AMD equivalence, but its usually overkill regardless.
To end this discussion (god I hope so). Its all about optimization. Have you seen guildwars 2? There not even in Alpha and it makes this game look like CRAP! Gw2 will be supporting DX9-11 and will run quite nicely on high settings on low spec'd PC's. Why? Because NC soft doesnt have sponsering conpanies go down on them to motivate their developers.
Ill see you in Eorzea.
Also inap I deem your PC excellent to run this game. Oh as well I've been looking to purchase TF:2, how fun is this compared to BF2/2142 (different play styles, but I need a good game until sept). -
I'll see you there too. I'll end by saying I hope I'm wrong, that, we're still just in the Beta stage which has access to a very limited amount of the game, and that the specifications they gave us are faster than a 720 . I can't imagine they would just throw out a number and be incorrect by such a large margin. I also can't imagine that the other 95% of the areas in the game are identical to the ones avalible now, nor can I imagine that the endgame content will be similar to what testers are experiencing now. Remember the 40man raid's in XI?
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
Breaking Brian Notebook Evangelist
AW Final Fantasy 14 Benchmark Results?
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by cubankid17, Aug 15, 2010.