Wouldnt really call running at 1.0V and 1120mhz stock boost ambitiousjust simply trying to run the card.
I guess svl7s vbios was closest thing to M15x designed but it ran at a even higher voltage and 1200mhz boost = a bit hotter.
Sent from my SM-A500FU using Tapatalk
King of Interns Simply a laptop enthusiast
Well since the On Topic Choo-Choo has fallen off the bridge, into a raging gorge only to be swept out to sea to be a tasty treat for the Kraken...
My 880M is setup to run at 993Mhz while gaming. I lock my FPS at 75 in the games I play and it will throttle back due to utilization. This is in my Sager, not an M15x.
Of course I have made many cooling mods to this machine. I am running MX-4 for the paste and that's all I have done. The 880M runs really well for me, but took a lot of trial and error (and some tweaking to svl7's vBIOS) to get it to run well at stock speeds. I know that others have had a lot of issues with the 880M. I guess I got lucky in the 880M lottery.
FWIW, my ASIC is 88.5% -
woodzstack Alezka Computers , Official Clevo reseller.
I was joking, I usually screw up the entire sentence too, as I type so sloppy when I'm not watching what I type. Meant no disrespect, just a laugh, guess it didn't translate.
deadsmiley and kosti like this.
Sent from my overpriced Galaxy S6 Edge + -
aconix, kosti and deadsmiley like this.
Sent from my overpriced Galaxy S6 Edge + -
The 4K Touch on AW17 will probably beat that RGBLED in every category though
980M in a M15x feedback
Discussion in 'Alienware M15x' started by King of Interns, May 31, 2016.